The figure above is the Stark map with emphasis on |mj| = 2 that was created from our data. Click on the figure to display a full sized version. Inset (a) shows a region of high applied field and frequency. Inset (b) shows the crossing of the 18th and 19th manifolds. Note the individual |mj|=0,1,and 2 characters present. Inset (c) shows the crossing of the reddest state in the n=18 manifold with the bluest state of the n=17 manifold. Click here for a full sized figure without the cutouts. This data was collected with most of the incident light polarized perpendicular to the applied electric field so that the data consists of |mj|=0,1,2 with the |mj|=2 being dominant. The |mj|=2 lines are almost completely hydrogenic in nature due to their small quantum defect.

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