Concepts of Physics I

PHYS 101N - Fall 1996

Collision Between A Moving and a Stationary Proton

Dimensional Analysis and the Dinosaurs

Instructor: J. V. Noble
Office hours:

    Please be patient on Tuesdays--she may be slightly delayed.

Final Exam: Thursday, 12 December 1996 9-12 AM

Review Sessions:
  • Monday, 09 Dec. '96, 6-7PM, Room 203
  • Tuesday, 10 Dec. '96 6-8PM, Wilson Hall 402

  • Graders:
      James Mason 984 3741
      Brian Mulhall 923 0850

    Ground Rules

  • Handouts--homework assignments, experimental apparatus-- will be one per customer. You may not take stuff for absent friends who couldn't bother coming to class. The only exceptions will be for the sick (ill persons) or wounded (athletes).

  • Illness (as an excuse) must be established in writing.

  • If you miss an exam for any reason other than illness or by prearrangement, a grade of 0 will be awarded.

  • Homework must be turned in on the date due by 5 PM, in the receptacle provided for that purpose. Late HW will be discarded.

  • Questions are always welcome. Try to keep them focussed.

  • Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone interfering with a lecture will be asked to leave. A person who refuses to leave will be asked for his/her student ID. If said person refuses to identify himself, University Security will be summoned.

  • Revised Version of Syllabus!

    Click here for Revised Syllabus

    Text: Glashow, From Alchemy to Quarks
    Supplementary Notes
    (You get these at Newcomb Hall Bookstore.)

    NOTE: Final Exam -- Thursday Dec. 12, 1996!

    Homework Assignments

    1. Due 9/05/96:
      Glashow, p. 57: 1,2,6; p. 64: 8

    2. Due 9/12/96:
      Glashow, p. 64: 8, 10; 12, 13
      Experiment #1: due Tuesday, 9/10/96 --copies can be found in the rack in Rm 312.
    3. Due 9/19/96:
      Glashow, p. 66: 15; p. 78: 16, 17; p. 80: 20
    4. Due 9/26/96:
      Glashow, p. 101: 29, 31, 32, 33, 35

    5. Due 10/03/96:
      Glashow, p. 113: 1, 2, 5; p. 128: 8, 10.
      Reading: Ch. 3.1, 3.2

    6. Due 10/10/96:
      Experiment #2

    7. Due: 10/22/96:
      Experiment #3, Written problems:
      1 and 2

    8. Due Thursday, 10/31/96:
      Glashow, p. 168: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
      Data from Boyle's Law Experiment

    9. Due Thursday, 11/07/96:
      Glashow, p. 197: 3, 5; p. 236: 25, 26;
      p. 208: 9,11

    10. Due Thursday, 11/14/96:
      Glashow, p. 380: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7

    11. Due Thursday, 11/21/96: Electrophorus Experiment

    12. Due Thursday, 12/05/96: 2nd Electrophorus Experiment
      Glashow, p. 295: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8

    Reading Assignment:

    1. Chapter 1 pp. 1-46 (This is for your general information and interest.)
      Chapter 2, Sec. 2.1--once over lightly. We will return to vectors later.
      Chapter 2, Sec. 2.2 pp. 57-63 (up to uniform circular motion).
    2. Glashow, Chapter 4, Section 1
    3. Glashow, Chapter 5;
      also Noble's Notes on Thermodynamics
    4. Glashow, Ch. 9 -- sound & waves

    Solutions to Midterm #1:

    Version 1
    Version 2
    Version 3

    Solutions to Midterm #2:

    Version 1
    Version 2
    Version 3
    Version 4
    Version 5

    Results of midterm #2