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Lecture 21

The Stars
In spite of the limitations on the data we can gather from the stars, the combination of Astrophysics, Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics has allowed us to gain a fair understanding of the inner workings of stars and the factors controlling their life and death. You have all heard terms like Red Giants, White Dwarves, Supernovae, Pulsars, Neutron Stars and Black Holes. In this lecture we will learn what they all are and how we were able to explore their properties. To start, let us understand how we can gather information on some of the most basic star parameters, like their distance, size and temperature.

Measuring Star Distances

How can we determine the distance of a star ? It is not easy, but a few techniques have been devised that can be applied to some specific situations.

The most direct procedure is the same one used by surveyors to map the land. Using Trigonometry, the distance of a faraway object can be determined by measuring the angle at which it is seen from two different locations. It is easy to convince oneself that this procedure will only work as long as the distance to be measured is not too large with respect to the baseline, i.e. the distance between the two locations from where the angles are measured.

In the case of the earth, the baseline is the diameter of the earth's orbit around the sun, i.e. 1011 m, and the technique has been refined to determine distances as large as 1018m, i.e. 100 light years (a light-year, commonly used astronomical unit, is the distance covered in one year when moving at the speed of light, i.e. about 1016 m.).

Outside the geometrically attainable range, other techniques have been devised, the most fruitful of which is given by the Cepheid variables. These stars, so called because first observed in the Cepheus constellation, portray a periodic pattern of increasing and decreasing brightness. Painstaking observation revealed that the period of variation is directly related to the star's absolute magnitude. Combining the knowledge of the absolute with the apparent magnitude allows then to deduce the distance.

Star Families

Another piece of information we can gather about the stars is their surface temperature. This can be done since extensive experimentation on earth has shown that, regardless of their composition, different bodies will emit a spectrum of radiation that depends uniquely on their temperature, with increasing temperatures corresponding to shorter and shorter wavelengths of emitted radiation.

If you gradually heat a piece of metal, it will first radiate in the (invisible) Infrared range, then it will show a red glow that will eventually become bluish-white (this is where the expression "white heat" comes from). Further temperature increases will then shift the emission to the UltraViolet region, etc. Consequently, we can determine the temperature of an object simply by analyzing the distribution of the wavelengths of the emitted radiation. This can equally be done for stars, so that we have a rather reliable way of estimating a star's temperature.

As a next step, the correlation between temperature and luminosity (the total amount of emitted energy) can be studied (remember that luminosity can be determined combining the information on apparent magnitude with distance, hence the importance of estimating the distance). The result of such a study is contained in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, showing that most stars have a rather regular behaviour, as they fall on a well defined curve in the diagram, the so called main sequence. In addition, the diagram is populated by two more categories of stars, exhibiting respectively high luminosity with low temperature and low luminosity with high temperature. The interpretation for these two categories is the following:

  • if a star emits lots of energy in spite of a relatively low temperature, then it must be a particularly large star. Stars in this grouping are called Red Giants.
  • if on the contrary a star has a high temperature but it emits small amounts of energy, then it must be relatively small in size. Such stars are referred to as White Dwarves.

The explanation for the existence of such main classes of stars could not be found, until the processes responsible for the stars' energy production were understood. Today we can fit the existing data within our understanding of the stars "life cycle".

Life and Death of the Stars.

Throughout most of its active life, a star generates energy by the Hydrogen into Helium fusion process, as we have learnt to happen within the sun's core. During this stage, the star's energy production and temperature are consistent with the main sequence of the H-R diagram. For a given amount of material, the size of a star is a consequence of the dynamical equilibrium between the inward pull of gravity and the kinetic agitation of the molecules determined by the energy production (think of a ping-pong ball suspended in an air stream....). The actual rate of Hydrogen burning will depend on the overall size of the star. The gravitational pull will be stronger for a bigger star, therefore more energy has to be produced in order to balance it: bigger star are less long lived, since they have to burn more fuel in order to avoid gravitational collapse.

Bur for any star the day must come when the supply of Hydrogen runs low: when fuel starts being scarce, the first effect is the collapse of the star to a smaller dimension. This collapse has two immediate consequences:

Helium nuclei in the core will be squeezed together enough to be able to start fusing, eventually producing Carbon-12 through a set of intermediate fusion reactions

Hydrogen fusion will also be rekindled in a shell surrounding the inner core
This renewed energy production will cause the star to expand to a much larger volume: during this phase, the star will have the characteristics of a Red Giant. We can then think of a Red Giant as a rather old, but not yet dying star.

The final destiny of a star depends on its original size, and its end will be the more catastrophic the more massive it was to start with. For a star of small to intermediate size, consumption of the Helium fuel will cause it to collapse to rather modest proportions: a sun-sized star will collapse to dimensions comparable to the Earth's size. As usual, the collapse is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, and the collapsed star will assume the charateristics of a White Dwarf. When in this state, the star is not producing any more energy, but it gradually cools off, experiencing a slow and peaceful death.

What determines the size a star will reach upon collapse? The answer is given by Pauli exclusion principle, the same principle that controls the maximum number of electrons in the atomic shells. Pauli's principle, whose deep origin is not fully understood, will prevent the electrons contained within the star from getting closer than a certain distance, and this effect will be enough to counteract the gravitational pull and will then put a stop to the star's shrinking. The resistance to collapse due to Pauli's principle is called degeneracy pressure, from a term in Quantum Mechanics, since different states possessing the same energy are said to be degenerate.

A more catastrophic fate is reserved for stars larger than at least 10 solar masses. When such a large star exhausts its fuel and starts collapsing, the gravitational pull is strong enough to overcome the electron's degeneracy pressure. The star catastrophic implosion squeezes electrons and protons together, giving origin to a neutron star. The process of implosion generates in a very short time tremendous amounts of energy, in a series of collisions between layers of materials bouncing back and forth. To a distant observer, the phenomenon will manifest itself as a sudden increase in brightness of a previously ordinary star, maybe even of a star previously invisible to the naked eye. Understandably, in ancient days this phenomenon was interpreted as the birth (rather than the death) of a new star, hence the name nova, or supernova when the event was particularly powerful. As for the case of White Dwarves, pressure degeneracy will intervene to stop the star's collapse, but this time Pauli's principle applies not to the electrons but to the neutrons. In a neutron star, matter is packed together with the same density as nuclear matter, which, as we have seen is 100,000 or so more dense than ordinary matter. If we could gather a spoonful of neutron star material, it would weigh many thousands of pounds !!!

Evidence for Neutron Stars: Pulsars.

As you can understand, all of the above ideas about the life and death of stars are based on theoretical models and calculations, where the laws and rules learnt from the sudy of elementary particles and the forces among them are applied rigorously. Do we have any experimental evidence to support such theories? A nice match between observation and theory did occur in recent years.

About 30 years ago, even before the idea of neutron stars was fully developed, astronomers had discovered a puzzling phenomenon. A graduate student, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, reported to her supervisor the detection of a pulsating radio signal, "beeping" with extreme regularity at about 1000 pulses per second. The scientists were puzzled, and for a while they did not even discard the possibility of radio broadcasts from a faraway civilization. As an internal half-joke, the first discovered pulsating radio source was identified by the code LGM-1, with LGM standing for "Little Green Men", the hypothetical senders of the radio signals. Further investigation revealed more pulsating sources, then globally referred to as pulsars, and the possibility of them originating from distant civilizations was abandoned, and some natural explanation was sought. But what celestial object could generate such a regular signal at such a high frequency? When dealing with periodic signals, the first thought goes towards rotation, but it is very easy to estimate that, in order not to violate relativity, the pulsating object has to be extremely small. Here is the argument:

if the signal is due to a rotating body, then a point on the surface of the body must move with a velocity given by $v = 2\pi r/T$, where T is the time to perform one rotation and r is the radius of the (spherical) object. Relativity tells us that v must be less than c ; the observed pulsars were emitting signals at a frequency of 1000 Hz, therefore the rotation time T had to be of the order of 1/1000 s. Substituting in the above equation, one finds that, to satisfy relativity, r must be 50 km or less, an incredibly small radius for a stellar object producing so much energy (for comparison, the radius of the earth is about 6000 km).

The puzzle was resolved with the realization that the newly hypothesized neutron stars could have the required characterisitics in terms of size, rotational speed and energy emission. What we detect on earth is a radiation beam emitted by the rotating neutron star magnetic field, the same way a ship at sea detects the periodic signal from a rotating lighthouse mirror. The association of pulsars and neutron stars with the end product of stellar collapse was confirmed by the observation that a pulsar was found at the location corresponding to the sighting of a supernova 1000 years ago !!

Black Holes

In the case of even more massive stars, the gravitational pull can be even stronger than the neutron pressure degeneracy. In such cases, the collapse can reach a state that cannot even be properly described, both because of our residual limitations in understanding the properties of matter and since the mathematical equations describing the phenomenon produce unphysical infinite results. This very exotic state is what we call a black hole, a massive, unimaginably dense object whose gravity is so strong that not even light can escape (remember that, according to General Relativity, light is affected by gravity).

Being so mysterious and so exotic, black holes have intrigued both scientists and science fictioners, and their properties and behaviour are far from being fully understood. What we can say for sure is that the existence of black holes is a necessary and unescapable consequence of the laws of Physics applied to the collapse of a super-massive star. More research, both theoretical and experimental, will probably improve our understanding in the future years.

What are we made of ? Stardust!

The study of the stars has given us the answer to another very basic question: what is the source of all the elements, including the heaviest Uranium etc., that are found on earth, form our own bodies and anything else we see around us? The answer is that all of these elements were originally manifactured either inside a star or during the catastrophic processes of a supernova explosion.

We have already discussed how, in the sun, fusion reactions can form elements as heavy as Carbon. It turns out that in more massive stars, thanks to the larger values of gravitational pressure, fusion processes can proceed even further, and all the elements up to Iron can successively be created. It should be clear that energy producing fusion processes will stop at Iron, since, as we have learnt when studying nuclear stability and binding energies, Iron corresponds to the maximum of the binding energy curve. Fusing elements to form nuclei heavier than Iron will not produce but consume energy, and this is not believed to be happening during the normal life of a star. On the other side, it is believed that the explosive processes associated with the death of a star can provide enough energy to initiate even the endothermic reactions required to make nuclei heavier than Iron. Upon explosion, all the elements that were in one way or another generated inside the star are scattered into space, until they eventually aggregate to form another star, a planet, your body, etc...

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Sergio Conetti