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Lecture 9

Changes of State. Energy in Chemical Reactions. Properties of Material


As we are well aware of, changing sufficiently the temperature of a substance can cause it to change from solid to liquid to gas and viceversa. Similarly, state changes can also be achieved by suitably varying the pressure : a gas can be liquified by exerting enough pressure onto it. This is what is done for instance with the "liquid propane" (LP) combustible.

Propane, the third member of the hydrocarbon family, is a gas under normal conditions. In order to store and transport it more efficiently, it is pressurized until it becomes liquid, and contained under pressure into gas bottles. Opening the tap, decreases the pressure at the outlet, and the propane exits in the gas form.

Similarly, the boiling point of a liquid will depend on the pressure at the liquid's surface : they say you cannot have good spaghetti in Denver...

The most familiar state changes are to/from solid and liquid, freezing and melting and to/from liquid and gas, boiling and condensation. A less familiar transition is from solid to gas directly, sublimation. A mothball, left long enough to itself, will completely sublimate into mothball smell.... Similarly, Carbon Dioxide, CO2, when frozen into "dry ice", will directly change into gas when reheated.

The most important rule of state transition is that, when a substance reaches its transition temperature, it will remain at that temperature until the whole transition has taken place, no matter how much heat is added or removed from it. If we put a mixture of ice and water on a flame, the mixture will remain at 0 degrees until all of the ice is melted, and only then its temperature will begin to raise. Similarly the temperature of boiling water will remain at 100 degrees until all the water is boiled off.

The process of state transition involves a large amount of energy transfer. It takes 80 calories to melt one gram of ice into water; if we remember that the definition of calorie is the amount of thermal energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by one degree, then we see that the same amount of heat required to melt ice into water would also increase the water temperature from 0 to 80 degrees !!!

Even more heat, i.e. 580 calories, are required to boil off one gram of water, after it has reached 100 degrees.

Problem : we toss an ice cube (1 inch on the side) straight from the freezer (-100) into a 100 ml glass of water at room temperature (200). What will be the temperature of the mixture when all the ice is melted ?

And if we toss two ice cubes ?

Chemical Reactions and Energy
Chapt. 12, page 312-313
Within the atom, any given electron in a certain configuration has a certain amount of potential energy, whose values depends on the relative location of the electron with respect to the nucleus and the other electrons. This energy originates from the fact of orbiting at a certain distance from the central nucleus. In the same way, an object orbiting around a central mass has a certain amount of gravitational potential energy. If this is not obvious, think in the following terms : to bring an object from the surface of the earth to a certain distance away, work must be done against the force of gravity. By conservation of energy, this work results into the object acquiring an equivalent amount of potential energy.

All chemical reactions involve the re-arrangement of outer shell electrons, and any such re-arrangement results in a change of the energy for the electrons involved. This change can occur in two directions, i.e. the global energy corresponding to the configuration of the final products can be smaller or larger than the initial energy.

In the first case, the extra energy will be released in the form of heat, and the corresponding chemical reaction will be called exothermic. If on the contrary the final configuration results into a larger energy, then energy has to be supplied in orded for the reaction to take place, and we have an endothermic reaction. (exo = towards the outside, endo = towards the inside, think of exit and entrance).

Exothermic reactions can either occur spontaneously, or might need some sort of initial energy input to be initiated, after what they will be self-sustaining. In either case, if a large enough quantity of reactant is present, the process can result into an explosion : the technology of explosives is based on the understanding of exothermic reactions.

Endothermic reactions on the contrary need a continuous energy input in order to proceed: cooking is a good example of endothermic reactions...

Properties of materials : Strength
The arrangement of electrons forming bonds among atoms determines not only the chemical but also the physical properties of elements and compounds. Even in a single element atoms can organize themselves to create materials of different properties. The most striking example is Carbon, that is known to occur as diamond, an extremely hard crystal, coal, a not so hard poly-crystal, and graphite, a very soft amorphous material. Moreover, a completely new form of elemental carbon was recently discovered.
Mathematicians have known for a long time that one can form a regular sphere-like three-dimensional structure with a combination of hexagones and pentagones (take a good look at a soccer ball next time you come across one...). This structure had been adopted by the architect Buckminster Fuller to design the "geodesic domes" a strong and pleasing construction. A breakthrough in chemistry occurred when it was realized that Carbon atoms actually can arrange themselves to form the same structure (60 atoms are needed to complete the full structure, therefore one has a C60 molecule). In honour of the architect, this form of elemental Carbon was named buckminsterfuller (also buckeyball, for short) and compounds based on it buckminsterfullerenes. The study of the properties and the potential of buckminsterfullerenes has just started, and the future might bring some amazing new materials.

Coming back to more traditional substances, one important property is the physical strength. It is a well known fact that different materials will react differently to stress, and can be very resistent to some type of force but very weak towards some other.

In order to make a classification, one distinguishes among :

  • compressive strength, the ability to resist crushing. An egg, generally considered a rather fragile object, has in reality a very good compressive strength
  • tensile strength, resistance to being pulled apart
  • shear strength, resistance to twisting
Top quality materials (e.g. diamond) will exhibit all three forms of strengths; this is usually the consequence of a symmetric atomic structure with equally strong bonds in all directions. Other materials portraying particular strength in a preferential direction can be reinforced by being assembled in alternate layers, pointing in different directions (if you stack firewood, you are advised to alternate layers with the logs pointing in two orthogonal directions). Another technique for exploiting complementary properties of different materials is to combine them together, e.g. as in reinforced concrete or in rubber tires with embedded steel meshes.

Regardless of its strength, any material will always have a certain elastic limit. Subjected to stresses below the elastic limit, an object will be stretched or squeezed, but will then return to its original shape. The deformation occurs for any material, even though some appear to be much more elastic than others. Forces exceeding the elastic limit will cause either permanent deformation or breakage.

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Sergio Conetti