Physics 105N - How Things Work - Fall, 1997

Problem Set 3

Problem 1:

Chapter 5, Case 1, all parts (Pg. 246 - 247) [30 points]

Problem 2:

Chapter 5, Case 6, all parts (Pg. 247-248) [25 points]

Problem 3:

Exercises 10 and 12, Pg. 234 (answer as a pair) [10 points]

Problem 4:

Exercise 8, Pg. 223 (Face the wall….) [10 points]

Problem 5:

Exercise 20, Pg. 245 [5 points]

Problem 6:

    1. Explain why a bicycle is unstable when it's stationary [5 points]
    2. Explain two effects that a moving bicycle exhibits which make it almost steer itself [5 points]
    3. How do the steering effects in part (b) keep the moving bicycle from falling over? [5 points]