The following objects or topics are covered extensively in the lectures and textbook for Physics 105N and Physics 106N. You would have difficulty writing a paper on one of these subjects that is truly your own work. It would be just too easy and too tempting to copy my approach, my thoughts, even my words. My lectures and notes should be only part of the reference materials you use for your term paper. Find an object that I do not discuss directly in depth and use similarities between your object and some of mine to identify the physical principles that make your object work. -- Lou Bloomfield

Air Conditioners Air Purification Airplanes
Audio Amplifiers Automobile Engines Automobiles
Balloons Baseball Bicycles
Cameras Compact Disc Players Centrifuges
Clocks Computers Electric Motors
Electrical Power Distribution Electrical Power Generation Elevators
Falling Balls Flashlights Fluorescent Lamps
Glass Heat Pumps Incandescent Light Bulbs
Knives Lasers Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetically Levitated Trains Medical Imaging Medical Radiation
Microscopes Microwave Ovens Nuclear Reactors
Nuclear Weapons Pipe Organs Plastics
Radio Ramps Refrigerators
Rockets Roller Coasters Scales
Seesaws Sunlight Tape Recorders
Telescopes Television Thermometers
Thermostats Vacuum Cleaners Violins
Water Faucets Water Purification Water, Steam, and Ice
Wheels Xerographic Copiers