Physics 106 - How Things Work - Spring, 1998
Midterm Examination

Given Friday, February 27, from 1:00 PM to 1:50 PM


Please mark the correct answer for each question on the bubble sheet. Fill in the dot completely with #2 pencil. Part I is worth 67% of the grade on the midterm examination.

Problem 1:

Electric power passes through a nearby power transformer on its way to your home. The current that enters your home actually receives its power when it passes through the secondary coil of that transformer. The coil has a carefully chosen number of turns in it because doubling the number of turns would

Problem 2:

A basketball player bounces a ball off the floor repeatedly as he dribbles it down the court. Each time the ball hits the floor, it rebounds almost to its original height. From that bouncing behavior, you know that during a collision with the floor,

Problem 3:

The surface of an audio recording tape must

Problem 4:

A typical bar magnet has an "N" stamped on its north pole end and an "S" stamped on its south pole end. With the right tools, you might be able to change this bar magnet in one or more of the following ways: (1) remove its magnetic poles altogether, (2) reverse its magnetic poles so that it has a north pole at the end stamped "S" and a south pole at the end stamped "N", (3) convert its north pole into a south pole so that it has south poles at both ends. Which of those three options is physically possible?

Problem 5:

In which one of the following situations are you doing (positive) work on a bowling ball?

Problem 6:

A xerographic copier uses a special photoconductor surface that allows light from an original document to control the placement of black powder on white paper. The photoconductor only conducts electricity when it’s exposed to light because, in the dark,

Problem 7:

The plug of your desk lamp has two flat metal prongs (we are ignoring any cylindrical ground prong that may also be present). If you were to break off one of those flat prongs and plug the remaining prong into the outlet, the current that would then flow through the lamp would be

Problem 8:

If you float an aluminum pie plate on the surface of a pond and move the north pole of a strong magnet in a clockwise circle just above that plate, the plate will

Problem 9:

You are watching an ice hockey game and a player has just hit the puck toward her opponents’ goal. The goalie is out of position and the puck will reach the goal without anyone being able to stop it. Once the puck has left the player’s stick and is traveling across the ice toward the goal, it experiences

Problem 10:

You are throwing a ball straight up and then catching it as it returns to your hand. When the ball leaves your hand, its momentum is in the upward direction but when it returns to your hand, its momentum is in the downward direction. During its flight above your hand, what happens to the ball’s initial upward momentum?

Problem 11:

Commercial electric power is sent across country using high voltage transmission lines. If low voltage transmission lines were used instead, those low voltage lines would

Problem 12:

You stick a piece of adhesive tape on a glass window and then pull the tape off suddenly. The tape ends up with a negative electric charge. If you now hold the tape near the window again, the tape will be

Problem 13:

A construction crew is replacing the huge air conditioning unit on the roof of an office building. They know that if they push the unit off the roof and let it fall freely, it will have 10 million joules of kinetic energy by the time it reaches the ground. They choose instead to put the unit on a cart and let it roll freely down a ramp. The ramp has a 10 to 1 grade, meaning that it goes down 1 meter in height for every 10 meters you travel along its surface. By the time the air conditioning unit reaches the ground on this ramp, it will have

(A) zero kinetic energy.
(B) 1 million joules of kinetic energy.
(C) 100 million joules of kinetic energy.
(D) 10 million joules of kinetic energy.
Problem 14:

You are watching children play a game of tug-o-war with an old plastic clothesline. The two teams are pulling at opposite ends of the cord and each team is trying to drag the other team into a mud puddle that lies between them. After a few minutes without progress, the team on the right suddenly pulls hard toward the right. The team on the left has anticipated this threat and is able to keep their end of the rope from moving at all. The right end of the rope stretches toward the right and the rope breaks. It took energy to breaking the rope and that energy was provided by

(A) the team on the left.
(B) both teams.
(C) neither team. It was instead provided by chemical potential energy in the rope itself.
(D) the team on the right.
Problem 15:

To pay your tuition this semester, you have decided to moonlight as a race car driver. It’s your first race and you’re heading full speed down a straight portion of the track. You place a small good luck charm in the middle of the dashboard and then begin turning the car toward the left. As you and your car make the left turn, the charm slides toward the right side of the dashboard. As the charm slides, the car is

(A) accelerating toward the left and the charm is essentially not accelerating.
(B) accelerating toward the left and the charm is accelerating toward the right.
(C) essentially not accelerating and the charm is accelerating toward the right.
(D) accelerating toward the right and the charm is also accelerating toward the right.
Problem 16:

Electricity produced in a generating plant passes through a large step-up transformer. This step-up transformer produces the high voltages needed to send electric power long distances across the countryside. Which of the following is transferred from the transformer’s primary coil to its secondary coil while the transformer is operating?

(A) Negative electric charges and power.
(B) Positive electric charges, negative electric charges, and power.
(C) Power alone.
(D) Positive electric charges and power.
Problem 17:

You are playing with a large spring, squeezing it and stretching it. If you begin with the spring at its normal length, in which case(s) are you doing work on it?

(A) When you stretch it but not when you squeeze it.
(B) When you squeeze it and when you stretch it.
(C) When you squeeze it but not when you stretch it.
(D) Not when you squeeze or stretch it, but when you release it after squeezing or stretching it.
Problem 18:

You remove the batteries from a working flashlight, turn both of them around as a pair, and reinsert them in the flashlight. They make good contact with the flashlight’s terminals at both ends, so that there is no mechanical problem preventing the flashlight from working. If you now switch on the flashlight, it will

(A) not work because only electrons can actually move through a circuit. The positively charged atomic nuclei are immobile.
(B) work properly, although current will now be flowing backward through its circuit.
(C) not work because the batteries can’t send current backward through the flashlight’s circuit.
(D) not work because the light bulb can only carry electric current in one direction.
Problem 19:

You are working in a pizza parlor and have learned how to toss and spin the dough to form large disks. You find that the larger each disk becomes as you spin it, the harder it is to stop the disk from spinning. While a small twist is all it takes to stop a ball of dough from spinning, by the time that same dough becomes a 16 inch disk a similar twist barely slows it down. This effect occurs because spreading the dough into a disk increases its

(A) velocity.
(B) weight.
(C) moment of inertia.
(D) mass.
Problem 20:

An n-channel MOSFET consists of three pieces of semiconductor: two n-type pieces connected by a p-type piece. This n-channel MOSFET will allow current to flow through all three pieces when

(A) a north magnetic pole is put on its gate and the middle piece of semiconductor becomes a south magnetic pole.
(B) a north magnetic pole is put on its gate and the middle piece of semiconductor becomes a north magnetic pole.
(C) positive charge is put on its gate and the middle piece of semiconductor effectively becomes n-type.
(D) negative charge is put on its gate and the middle piece of semiconductor effectively becomes n-type.
Problem 21:

A helicopter is hovering motionless above a disabled boat, while rescue workers use a rope to lift an injured sailor. While that sailor is being lifted upward, the net force on the motionless helicopter is

(A) downward and equal to the sailor’s weight.
(B) downward and equal to the sailor’s weight plus the helicopter’s weight.
(C) upward and equal to the sailor’s weight.
(D) zero.
Problem 22:

Which of the following can cause a stationary charged particle to accelerate?

(A) A stationary, constant electric field.
(B) A stationary wire containing a constant electric current.
(C) A stationary, constant magnetic field.
(D) A stationary, constant north pole.
Problem 23:

You have a small DC motor that normally operates on 3 volt direct current, meaning that if you were to connect it to a 3 volt battery in a circuit, it would spin nicely. But instead of connecting the motor to a battery, you connect it to a 3 volt flashlight bulb in a circuit. Any current flowing through the motor must therefore flow through the bulb and back to the motor. When you spin the motor’s shaft rapidly with your fingers, the light bulb lights up. The motor is able to make the bulb light up because spinning its shaft

(A) causes a permanent magnet to move, producing an electric field that pushes currents through nearby coils of wire.
(B) reverses the magnetic poles from positive to negative so that charges are pushed through coils of wire in the motor.
(C) produces angular momentum, which magnetizes the current in the coils of the motor so that this current flows out of the motor rather than into it.
(D) releases the 3 volt electric power stored in the motor during its previous operations and this power illuminates the 3 volt bulb.
Problem 24:

A semiconductor diode contains a p-n junction. One way to understand why electric current can only flow through such a diode in one direction is that

(A) electrons can only move from the north pole of the p-n junction to the south pole of that junction.
(B) electrons approaching the p-n junction from the p-type end are repelled by an accumulation of negative charge on the p-type side of the junction.
(C) electrons are forbidden from travelling through the p-type end of the p-n junction. Only positively charged particles can move through p-type semiconductor.
(D) there are no empty valence or conduction levels available to electrons on the p-type end of the diode’s p-n junction.
Problem 25:

A battery in an operating flashlight

(A) has work done on it when positive charge flows from its negative terminal to its positive terminal.
(B) does work while transferring positive charge from its positive terminal to its negative terminal.
(C) does work while transferring positive charge from its negative terminal to its positive terminal.
(D) has work done on it when positive charge flows from its positive terminal to its negative terminal.

Please give a brief answer in the space provided. Part II is worth 33% of the grade on the midterm examination.

Problem 1:

You are establishing a new company to manufacture audio recording tape. You have just ordered clear plastic tape but you still have to buy the right coating material for that tape.

(A) Your materials catalog lists a number of metals: aluminum, copper, brass, iron, silver, and gold. Of these metals, which one should you order for the tape’s coating, and why that metal rather than the others?

(B) When the metal arrives, you and your staff convert it into tiny needle-shaped particles. Why can’t you use tiny round particles for the recording tape?

(C) After the needle-shaped particles have been coated onto the tape, you erase the tape by passing it near a coil of wire carrying a high-frequency alternating current. How does this coil erase the tape?

(D) Once one of your customers has recorded audio onto a tape, they can play the tape by passing it near the playback head of a tape player. As the tape passes the playback head, currents begin to flow through wires in that head. How does the moving tape cause currents to flow in the wires?

Problem 2:

You are riding on a huge roller coaster with the tallest, steepest first hill in the world. To make the roller coaster even more exciting, its designers have used high technology to eliminate air resistance and friction, so that the coaster follows the laws of physics without producing any thermal energy. The first hill can be divided into three parts: top, middle, and bottom. While the top portion of the first hill slopes gradually downward, the middle portion of the hill dives almost straight down. The bottom portion of the hill is less steeply sloped in the downward direction, becoming more and more gradual so that it eventually levels out completely.

(A) Along which portion of the first hill does the roller coaster have its greatest speed?

(B) Along which portion of the first hill does the roller coaster have its greatest downward acceleration?

(C) Along which portion of the first hill, if any, does the roller coaster have its greatest upward acceleration?

(D) Compare the roller coaster’s total energy on the top portion of the track with its total energy on the bottom portion of the track.

Problem 3:

Modern audio amplifiers usually contain at least four important electronic components: resistors, capacitors, diodes, and MOSFETs. Let’s take a brief look at each of these devices.

(A) A resistor behaves like a wire, except that its electric resistance has been adjusted to a particular value. Like a wire, a resistor wastes power when current flows through it so that the resistor becomes warm. If you double the amount of current passing through a particular resistor, by how much does the power being wasted by that resistor change?

(B) A capacitor stores energy when it has positive charge on one plate and negative charge on the other. The voltage difference between those two plates is equal to the energy that would be released in letting a unit of positive charge return from the positive plate to the negative plate. How would this voltage different be affected if you were to move the two capacitor plates farther apart without changing their charges?

(C) A diode conducts current only in one direction. Most diodes are constructed out of two different pieces of modified semiconductor: p-type and n-type semiconductors. If you assembled a diode out of two pieces of n-type semiconductor, omitting the p-type semiconductor altogether, would the new device conduct current and, if so, in which direction(s)?

(D) An MOSFET makes it possible for a small amount of charge on the MOSFET’s gate to turn on or off a substantial current flowing through the rest of the MOSFET. In a typical n-channel MOSFET, a modest positive charge on the gate will allow current to flow through the MOSFET from the drain to the source. What will happen if you instead put a modest negative charge on the gate of this same MOSFET?