Course Philosophy

We will be studying several units in physical science. Because this is a single semester course, we will not be able to study all the subjects in physical science. However, we hope to be able to study several of them in depth including Principles of Matter, Electricity and Magnetism, Heat and Energy, Force and Motion, and Light and Optics. This will be a hands-on, inquiry based course. We will attempt to learn as much as possible by doing. The laboratory portion of the class will be done in cooperative groups of 3-4 students who will work together. Sometimes during the lecture portion, experiments will also be done - either by the professor as demonstrations or by students sitting in chairs. It is important to always bring your journal to class and lab. Lab reports of experiments performed in class will not normally be required of students.

 You are primarily responsible for constructing your own knowledge in this class through performing interesting activities and investigations of scientific phenomena and through discussing these activities with your classmates. You are expected to think about the ideas that are developed from your own experiences. You should monitor changes in your initial ideas as these ideas are challenged through activities and discussion. Because you play such an important role in your own learning and of your classmates, attendance at classes is essential. If you miss a class session, you must take the initiative to find out from classmates what they learned during that class session. One lab make-up period may be offered for each unit for approved absences. Missed labs will be reflected in missing journal pages. If you provide a written excuse from a coach, doctor, employer, funeral director, etc. on a printed form or letterhead stationary for an absence from class, an alternate assignment will be given to you.