Course Rules and Regulations

It is important for students to be aware of these rules and regulations which may change throughout the course. Changes will be announced in class, and all changes will be listed on the website. Students are responsible for keeping up with the Course Rulesand Regulations as stated on the website.

 In general, assignments and notices will be listed on the course webpage. This includes, but is not limited to, homework assignments, syllabus changes, course rules and regulations changes and additions, dates and times of any review sessions, and material to be covered on class exams.

  1. Illness (as an excuse) must always be established in writing.
  2. Students must have their journal at every lecture and lab. Students may not remove journals from the lecture or lab rooms.


  3. If you do not turn in an assignment (including homework) on time or miss an exam (including being late and for illness), you will receive a grade of zero, unless you have prearranged approval by Professor Thornton or Mrs. Traphagen. Messages of any kind including, but not limited to, email, telephone message, oral messages of any kind, notes delivered by a third party, etc., are not acceptable by themselves without a response by Professor Thornton or Mrs. Traphagen. Any oral approval given by Professor Thornton or Mrs. Traphagen must be confirmed in writing.
  4. If you miss the beginning of an exam, you will still be expected to turn in the exam at the end of the regular class. Oversleeping is not an acceptable excuse. If you miss the exam, you will receive a grade of zero.
  5. There will be no rescheduling of labs and exams except for instructor approved medical emergencies or official university travel. Leaving town for anything else including, but not limited to, vacations, family reunions, concerts, Nobel prize receptions, White House visits, athletic events for non-participants, etc., will not be an acceptable excuse for missing an exam or for not turning in homework. All rescheduled exams may, at the discretion of the instructor, be oral examinations.


  6. Separate sheets must be stapled together and your name and student ID number clearly printed on all sheets. Check that your homework sets are complete. Missing sheets will not be accepted later.
  7. You may work together in doing homework, but you must write them up separately and in your own words. Points will be deducted from all homework that are found to have similar answers, regardless of who obtained those answers from whom.
  8. Not all the homework problems in a given assignment will be graded. The problems chosen to be graded will not be announced to you. Your homework grade will depend only on how you do on the problems chosen to be graded, not on any of the others.