Laboratory Journal

Everyone will be required to record answers to questions asked in either lecture or lab in their journal. All experimental data and results are to be recorded in your journal. The journals will be periodically collected, read, and graded.

 Besides being valuable for assessment, journal writing is a powerful catalyst for thinking. Writing does help clarify and organize one's thinking. Writing can even create ideas that did not exist before the writing began. The writing must be done carefully and legibly so the professor has no trouble reading it. Journal writing will improve your ability to use scientific words appropriately, to focus attention on the most important concepts, and to increase your recall of generalizations. Students will be expected to write down their reflections on the day's activities after every class, lab, and lecture. This may include what they learned, what they found surprising, how the information might be useful, suggestions for improving the lecture or laboratory. THE REFLECTIONS WILL BE PART OF THE JOURNAL GRADE.