Syllabus, Physics 142R, Fall 1999


Lecture Date Chapter Topic

1 Sept. 2 1 Introduction, units, vectors, etc.

2 Sept. 7 2 One-dimension motion

3 Sept. 9 2,3 One- and two-dimension motion

4 Sept. 14 3 Projectile and other motion

5 Sept. 16 4 Newton's Laws

6 Sept. 21 5 Simple forces; Applications: friction, drag

7 Sept. 23 5 Forces and circular motion

8 Sept. 28 6 Work and energy

9 Sept. 30 6,7 Forces, energy, and power

10 Oct. 5 7 Conservation of energy

EXAM I, October 5, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., covers Chapters 1-5

11 Oct. 7 8 Momentum

Oct. 12 No class, reading day

12 Oct. 14 8 Collisions

13 Oct. 19 9 Rotations

14 Oct. 21 9 Angular momentum, torque

15 Oct. 26 10 Angular momentum, torque

16 Oct. 28 10 More rotations

17 Nov. 2 10,11 Statics

18 Nov. 4 12 Gravitation

EXAM II, November 9, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., covers Chapters 6-10

19 Nov. 9 12,13 Simple harmonic motion

20 Nov. 11 13 Damped, driven motion

21 Nov. 16 17 Temperature and ideal gases

22 Nov. 18 18 Themal energy and systems

23 Nov. 23 18 First law of thermodynamics

Nov. 25 No class, Thanksgiving

24 Nov. 30 19 Pressure and microscopic view of gases

25 Dec. 2 19 Probability distributions

26 Dec. 7 20 Second law of thermodynamics

27 Dec. 9 20 Engines, entropy


FINAL EXAM, Monday, Dec. 2; 2 - 5 p.m., room 204