Video Information

In the back of your Workshop Manual you have received two CD-ROMs that contain videos to describe most of the laboratory experiments you will have this semester. You can look in the Weekly Assignment portion of the webpage to see whether there is a video for you to watch during any given week. Insert a CD into your computer and turn on the device. I looked at my PC through the Control Panel and clicked on the CD unit. I see 3 folders (Dependents, QT4, Sources) and a README.html file. I clicked on the README.html file, and instructions appeared to tell me what to do.

Here is what appeared:

The videos on the two CDs are designed to introduce you to seven of the eight labs in the Physics 142 Workshop. (There is no video for Equilibrium of Non-Parallel Forces.) You are to view them as you prepare for Workshop during the appropriate week. The Workshop Manual is most up-to-date. Therefore, if there is a discrepancy between a video and the Manual, please refer to the Manual. These videos are prepared in Apple's QuickTime format. You will need the QuickTime Player of at least version 3. We have included a copy of version 4 on this CD, which you are free to load onto your computer. It can be found via the root directory under "QT4". Both Macintosh and Windows versions are available. UVa has a license to distribute QuickTime 4, which one may also freely download from Apple's website. If you wish to use this web page and your browser to view the videos, you must make sure QuickTime plugin is installed. If you do not have a computer or if you have problems running QuickTime on your computer, be aware that most of the computers available on grounds have QuickTime installed and you can view them there. You can also view the videos directly on QuickTime (not through a browser). You may find that videos appear dark. If this is the case, try increasing the brightness and contrast on your monitor.

I already had QuickTime on my computer, so I executed QuickTime, clicked on the File word, chose Open Movie, went to the CD-ROM and clicked on the Dependents folder. I chose the 640x480 folder, clicked on it, and chose the lab I wanted to watch. The video worked fairly well, but was a little jerky, because we had to crunch it down to save space. I didn't have any trouble with darkness on my computer, but we understand that varies a lot.