Syllabus for Physics 152 Spring 2004

(subject to minor adjustments)

Lecture           Date                            Topic                                                   Text sections 

Topic 1: Gravity

1                      1/14                 Newton’s Law of Gravitation                                        11.2, web

2                      1/16                 Kepler’s Laws                                                              11.1

3                      1/19                 Gravitational Potential Energy                                        11.3

4                      1/21                 Gravitational Field of a Sphere                                      11.4, 5

5                      1/23                 Tidal Forces.  General Relativity                                    web

Topic 2: Fluids

6                      1/26                 Hydrostatics, Archimedes’ Principle                              13.3

7                      1/28                 Boyle’s Law, the Law of Atmospheres                          web notes

8                      1/30                 Bernoulli’s Equation                                                      web

9                      2/2                   Viscosity                                                                      web

10                    2/4                   Dimensional Analysis                                                    web

11                    2/6                   Stokes’ Law                                                                 web

12                    2/9                   Reynold’s Number, Turbulence                                     web

Topic 3: Oscillations

13                    2/11                 Complex Numbers and Exponentials                             web

14                    2/13                 Simple Harmonic Motion                                              14.1

15                    2/16                 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion                               14.2, 3

Midterm 1:     2/18                 Lectures 1-12

16                    2/20                 Spreadsheet Treatment of Real Pendulum                      web

17                    2/23                 Damped Oscillations                                                     14.4, web

18                    2/25                 Driven Oscillations and Resonance                                14.5

Topic 4: Waves

19                    2/27                 Simple Wave Motion                                                    15.1

20                    3/1                   The Wave Equation                                                      15.1

21                    3/3                   Periodic Waves                                                            15.2

22                    3/5                   Sound Waves, Intensity                                                15.3

23                    3/15                 Superposition, 2 Source Diffraction                               16.1

24                    3/17                 Beats, Standing Sound Waves                                      16.1, 2

25                    3/19                 Waves Encountering Barriers                                        15.4

26                    3/22                 The Doppler Effect                                                       15.5

Midterm 2:     3/24                 Lectures 13-24

Topic 5: Heat

27                    3/26                 Thermometers, Zeroth Law                                           17.1, 2, web

28                    3/29                 Calorimetry, Latent Heat                                               18.1, 2, web

29                    3/31                 The nature of Heat: Carnot, Rumford                            web

30                    4/2                   Joule and the Conservation of Energy                            18.3, web

31                    4/5                   Kinetic Theory of Gases                                               17.5, web

32                    4/7                   Maxwell Distribution, Equipartition                                17.5

33                    4/9                   PV Diagram for an Ideal Gas                                        18.4, 5

34                    4/12                 Heat Capacities of Gases and Solids                             18.6, 7, 8

35                    4/14                 Adiabatic Compression of a Gas                                   18.9

Topic 6: Second Law of Thermodynamics

36                    4/16                 The Carnot Cycle, Efficiency                                         19.4, web

37                    4/19                 Real Engines, Refrigerators                                           19.1, 2

38                    4/21                 Irreversibility and Disorder                                            19.6

39                    4/23                 Entropy                                                                        19.7

40                    4/26                 Catch up, Review