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Lecture 18

Ideal Gas Law

I will assume that you are familiar with the following items : If you are not familiar with isotopes, here is a quick reminder : atoms consist of a certain number of electrons orbiting around a central nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons. The chemical properties of any element depend exclusively on the number of electrons, and the number of electrons is determined by (in fact is equal to) the number of protons. Consequently, the chemical properties (i.e. what characterizes the individuality of each element) as well as most physical properties are determined by the number of protons. Two atoms containing the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons, will have identical chemical properties, therefore they will be the same element. As they occupy the same place in the periodic table, they are called isotopes (greek for "the same place"). If we now the position of an element in the periodic table (i.e. the number of protons in its nucleus), we can determine the number of neutrons: for instance we know that carbon occupies position 6 in the table, therefore what we call carbon-12 has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, while carbon-13 will have 6 protons and 7 neutrons.

The book introduces moles in a somewhat unconventional, but rather practical way, and we can follow it : we call a mole of a given substance an amount of it containing 6.022 x 1023 elementary units (e.g. atoms or molecules) of that substance. But remember to specify what the elementary units are. You probably know that e.g. Hydrogen and Oxygen are not found in nature as simple atoms but as bi-atomic molecules O2 and H2. If I talk about a mole of Hydrogen, I should specify whether I mean a mole of Hydrogen atoms (6.022 x 1023 atoms) or a mole of Hydrogen molecules (2 x 6.022 x 1023 atoms).

You are entitled to wonder where does 6.022 x 1023 come from, and probably you already know the answer : historically, a mole was defined as a quantity (in grams) numerically equal to the atomic mass of the substance, and atomic mass of 1 was (eventually) defined as 1/12 of the mass of Carbon-12. The 6.022 x 1023 (Avogadro's number) then comes from the number of grams in one mole (e.g. 12 for Carbon-12) divided by the mass (in grams) of a single C-12 atom,

NA = 12/(1.99 x 10-23g) = 6.022 x 1023
Historically, it took a long time before actual values for Avogadro's number and atomic masses (in grams) could be determined; but Avogadro started it all with his hypothesis that equal volumes of gases at the same pressure and temperature contained equal numbers of "molecules" (latin for "small mass"). Comparing the weights of equal volumes of different gases allowed to determine at least relative values of atomic masses.

Ideal Gas Law

Armed with the knowledge of Avogadro hypothesis, we can do some experiments with gases : let us put in a container a given amount of gas at a certain temperature, and measure its pressure. Then let us add to our container an equal amount of gas and remeasure the pressure: we will find a value twice as big. We then conclude that pressure is proportional to the number N of gas molecules (or if you prefer to the number n of moles, since each mole contains exactly the same number of molecules)

$P~\propto~n~\propto~N $
Next: when introducing the absolute zero, we had also seen that when kept at a constant volume, the pressure of a certain quantity of gas is proportional to its absolute temperature
$P~\propto~T $
Finally, it would also be straightforward to see that, when keeping the temperature constant, pressure and volume change in inverse proportion: if I reduce the volume of a given amount of gas its pressure increases and viceversa the pressure decreases if the gas is allowed to expand, therefore
Putting it all together, one gets
$P~\propto~nT/V $
It would be easy to determine the value of the constant of proportionality, i.e. by introducing a known quantity of gas (e.g. 1 mole) in a given volume and measuring simultaneously its pressure and temperature. The result is the universal constant R = 8.31 J/(mol K), and the ideal gas law can then be written as
PV = nRT
or, alternatively,
PV = NkT
with N = total number of molecules in the gas sample and
k = Boltzmann constant = R/NA = 1.38 x 10-23J/K .
Pressure and molecular motion

You were told a few times that what we measure as pressure in a gas is in fact the effect of extremely large amounts of collisions of gas molecules against any surface. Now we have all the tools to explore this quantitatively : once we know how many molecules there are in a given gas volume we can estimate the average number of collisions per unit time and the average force exerted on any surface (the key to the problem is the relation $F\Delta t~=~ \Delta p$). I will not repeat the derivation, but make a few comments to what you find in the book: Anyway the result one gets is
PV = 2/3 N Ekinav
which relates the pressure and volume of a gas to the total number of molecules and their average kinetic energy. When combining with the ideal gas law, we get
Ekinav = 3/2 kT
which is quite a remarkable result : just by measuring the temperature of a gas we can determine the average velocity of its molecules, a quantity that would be extremely difficult to measure !! And, in some special case, we can go even further : in a gas, molecules carry a certain amount of mechanical energy. In the more general case, this can be in the form of kinetic translational energy, rotational energy (molecules, having non zero spatial dimensions, can and do rotate), as well as elastic potential energy (in a molecule, atoms can vibrate around a position of equilibrium in a harmonic-like fashion), and it would be very difficult to estimate each of these quantities. But in a mono-atomic gas (e.g. noble gases like Helium, Argon, etc.) vibrational and rotational energies are absent and all of the gas internal energy is in the form of translational kinetic. We can then say that the total internal energy U of a mono-atomic gas is given by
U = 3/2 NkT = 3/2 nRT
another rather remarkable result.


Have you ever thought that when you smell a certain substance what is happening is that some molecules of it reach your nose ? And how can this happen if the source of the smell is far away? In many cases, convective currents are involved but, even in the absence of convection, random collisions with, e.g., air molecules contribute to spread molecules of an odoriferous substance, slowly but surely, uniformly over large distances. This process is called diffusion, and its quantitative treatment follows that of heat conduction, physicists are cunning, (or is it lazy?), when they have a successful tool they try to apply it to all sort of different situations.... Fick's law of diffusion states that the mass m of diffused substance over a path of length L, cross-section A in a time t is given by
m = D A t$\Delta C$/L
where D is a constant and $\Delta C$ is the difference in concentration between the two ends of the diffusion path.

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Sergio Conetti