Student Response System Transmitters
Additional Information

Reading Quiz. The reading quiz will be graded and you will receive full credit if you submit the correct answer. You will receive half credit if you submit an incorrect answer. You receive no credit if you do not submit an answer. It will be available to be answered during the first three minutes of class and then will be turned off. If you are late to class and are not able to answer the question, you will receive no credit.

Conceptual Quizzes. The conceptual quizzes will be given throughout the lecture. The format is that the question will be posed, the student will be given a minute or so to answer the multiple choice question with no help. If less than about 75% of students submit the correct answer, then the students talk about the question with their nearest neighbors and try to come to a consensus. Then the students have another chance to choose the correct answer. Two percent of the grade will depend on the number of satisfactory responses given during the semester. For example, if there are 100 such responses throughout the semester, and you submit 67 answers, then you will receive a grade of (67/100)*(2 point) = 1.33 points. Satisfactory means that you make a reasonable effort at anwering the questions. It does not mean that you have to have them all correct, but if it is clear you are simply pushing a button and not participating, you will not receive any points.

Policy on forgetting, misplacing, or loosing transmitters! This is important. No allowances will be given to students who, for whatever reason, do not use their transmitter in class. It is your responsibility to bring the transmitter to every class and maybe even to have an extra battery. If you loose your transmitter, you should obtain a new one ASAP and report your new transmitter number to your professor. You will loose all credit in the meantime.

Policy on coming to class late and missing the reading quiz! For whatever reason, you will receive a grade of zero if you do not respond to the reading quiz during the opening few minutes (usually 3) of the quiz. Once it is taken down, you may not respond. It is the student's responsibility to be in class on time.

Policy on using someone else's transmitter. It will be considered an honor offense to use another student's transmitter in class. Any student who sees another student use two transmitters, for example, should challenge the student and report it as an honor offense.