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FALL 2002

Instructor: P. Q. Hung

Teaching Assistant: Stephanie Bailey

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 11am- 12pm, or by appointment, Rm 311B (Physics Building).

Textbooks: 1) Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway and Beichner (Saunders College Publishing).

I) Aim of the course

This course is aimed toward an understanding of the physical world around us and the ability to solve problems related to that physical world. To achieve that aim, it is crucial that you acquire the following good habits: Read the assigned material before and right after each class; Try to understand the concepts and do not hesitate to ask questions; Attend all the classes and problem sessions; Try to solve as many problems, in particular the conceptual ones, as you could besides the ones assigned for the homeworks. It is recommended that you spend at least 6 hours per week on the course outside of class and the problem sessions.

II) Course coverage:

Chapters 1-22 (all sections except the optional ones). The topics are listed with their corresponding chapter numbers. They will be covered in the order listed below. The dates given below are approximate. We shall try to adhere as closely as possible to those dates. It is crucial that you read the material before coming to class.

1) Physics and Measurements (8/28)

2) Motion in one dimension (8/30)

3,4) Vectors. Motion in two dimensions (9/2-6)

5,6) The Laws of motion. Circular Motion (9/9-16)

7) Work and Kinetic Energy (9/18-20)

1st Midterm: Monday 9/23. Chapters 1-5.

8) Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy (9/25-30)

9) Linear Momentum (10/2-9)

10,11) Rotation. Rolling Motion (10/11-18)

2nd Midterm: 10/21. Chapters 6-11.

12,13) Static Equilibrium. Oscillatory Motion (10/23-28)

14) The Law of Gravity (10/30-11/1-4)

15) Fluid Mechanics (11/6-8)

16,17,18) Wave Motion. Sound Waves. Superposition (11/11-18)

19,20) Temperature. Heat (11/20-22)

3rd Midterm: 11/25. Chapters 12-17

Thanksgiving Recess: Wednesday 11/27-Sunday December 12/1

21,22) Kinetic Theory of gases. Heat Engines (12/2-6)

II) Homeworks:

There will be seven problems assigned every week (normally on fridays and due a week later IN CLASS), out of which three (not specified ahead of time) will be graded. Late homeworks will not be accepted. The HW assignments will be posted on the Web.

The homeworks count for 15% of the total grade.

III) Examinations:

There will be three midterms and one final. Each midterm counts for 15% of the grade and the final counts for 40%.

{No makeup exams will be given. With a valid excuse before the exam, the remaining exams will be appropriately averaged.

1st Midterm: Monday, September 23 (10-10:50am, Rm 204)

2nd Midterm: Monday, October 21 (10-10:50am, Rm 204)

3rd Midterm: Monday, November 25 (10-10:50am, Rm 204)

Final: Thursday, December 12 (9:00am- 12:00pm, Rm 204)

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Pham Q. Hung
Wed Sep 4 17:01:53 EDT 2002