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remember : one can only convert between units representing the same type of quantiy
Examples : can I convert
seconds into years ?

square feet into liters ?

of course not, but I can do cubic feet into liters

snail hours into light years ? .....

light year : distance covered when moving at the speed of light for one year
snail hour : distance covered when moving at a snail's pace for one hour

Both units measure a distance, therefore it is legitimate to convert one into the other
Multiples and Submultiples

Scientific notation

The "type of quantity" is usually referred to as the dimension.
Fundamental quantities/dimensions (for now):
Quantity Standard Unit
LENGTH meter
MASS kilogram
TIME second
From these, derived quantities can be formed. Specifying the dimension of a quantity also tells us in which unit it should be measured (and viceversa)

Dimensional Analysis
very useful tool (we will use it extensively), for now just a few basic rules : Significant figures:

any given quantity is known with a finite precision. This is expressed in terms of significant figures

It is meaningless to express a quantity with more figures than the precision with which it is known.

General rules : book pages 15,16. In practice : use common sense.

Order of Magnitude calculations :

another useful tool, we will just make a couple of examples : problems 1.48, 1.58

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Sergio Conetti