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Probem 3.47

3.47. a)

While the car is on the incline, we want to determine its final velocity and the time it took to travel to the edge of the cliff. We start with the equation


but we know here that tex2html_wrap_inline439 , so this reduces to


or t = 5.00 s

then we can determine the final velocity,



If we want the final velocity of the car when it hits the ocean, then we need to consider the tex2html_wrap_inline415 and tex2html_wrap_inline417 directions separately. In the tex2html_wrap_inline415 direction,


and since there is no acceleration in the x direction, the final and initial velocities in the x direction are identical. In the y direction we have the initial velocity


we can find the time it was in the air from the equation



solving for t yields t = 1.54 s.

Substituting that in yields


To get the resultant velocity we find that

tex2html_wrap_inline465 at an angle tex2html_wrap_inline467 below the horizontal.


We found the time it took to fall from the edge of the cliff to the ocean on the way to find tex2html_wrap_inline469 in part b.

t = 1.54 s + 5.00 s = 6.54 s


Now we want to find how far out from the edge of the cliff that the car hit the water.

tex2html_wrap_inline473 .

Jason George Zeibel
Fri Sep 26 03:10:45 EDT 1997