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Problem 8.10

8.10. a)

Taking the positive x axis towards the pitcher, we find that conservation of momentum on the $\hat{x}$ direction yields

pix + Ix  =  pfx

$(.2 kg)(- 15 m/s)(\cos 45{}^{\circ}) + I_{x} ~=~ (.2 kg)(40 m/s)(\cos 

Ix  =  9.05 N s

And in the $\hat{y}$ direction,

piy + Iy  =  pfy

$(.2 kg)(- 15 m/s)(\sin 45{}^{\circ}) + I_{y} ~=~ (.2 kg)(40 m/s)(\sin 

Iy  =  6.12 N s

$\vec{I} ~=~ (9.05 \hat{i} + 6.12 \hat{j}) N s$


The impulse is given by the area under the curve. Averaging this area when we don't have a constant force gives us

$\vec{I} = \frac{1}{2} (0 + \vec{F_{m}})(4 ms) + \vec{F_{m}} (20 ms) 
+ \frac{1}{2} (0 + \vec{F_{m}})(4 ms)$

$\vec{F_{m}} (24 \times 10^{-3} s) ~=~ \vec{I}$

So, the maximum force is given by

$\vec{F_{m}} ~=~ (377\hat{i} + 106\hat{j}) N$

Jason George Zeibel