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Question I

I) A Moon rock is thrown upward with velocity 7 m/s. After 7 s, it has a downward velocity of 4 m/s. What is the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon (10 pts)? How high above the starting point did the rock go before it began to fall (10 pts)?

We know that
vf = v0 - gmoon t
Plugging in we find that
$g_{moon} = \frac{v_{0}-v_{f}}{t}$
$g_{moon}= \frac{7-(-4)}{7} ~=~ -1.6 m/s^{2}$
So, if we want the distance $\Delta y$ that the rock rises, we use the relation
$v_{f}^{2}=v_{0}^{2}-2a\Delta y$
In our case, vf = 0, so we have
$\Delta y = \frac{v_{0}^{2}}{2g_{moon}}$
Plugging in the number here yields
$\Delta y = 16 m$.

Jason George Zeibel