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PHYS 231 Quiz #1

Social Security #:

 Cheat Sheet:
¯ tex2html_wrap_inline85  ¯ tex2html_wrap_inline87  ¯ tex2html_wrap_inline89 

tex2html_wrap_inline91 tex2html_wrap_inline93 tex2html_wrap_inline95

tex2html_wrap_inline97 tex2html_wrap_inline99

If an equation you need is not listed here, ask.

Multiple choice: 1 pt. each

1. Which of the following are possible scenarios?

A. A particle has constant velocity and zero acceleration.

B. A particle has constant speed and nonzero acceleration.

C. A particle has zero velocity and nonzero acceleration.

*D. All of the above.

2. If the position of an object is tex2html_wrap_inline101 , where x is in meters and t in seconds, what is the acceleration of the object after 2 s?

A. 5 m/s tex2html_wrap_inline107

*B. 10 m/s tex2html_wrap_inline107

C. 20 m/s tex2html_wrap_inline107

D. None of the above.

3. A particle moving along the x-axis has an initial velocity of 2 m/s and undergoes a constant acceleration of -5 m/s tex2html_wrap_inline107 . If it starts out at x=0, what is the correct equation for the position x(t) of the particle?

*A. tex2html_wrap_inline121

B. tex2html_wrap_inline123

C. 2-5t

D. tex2html_wrap_inline127

4. For a given initial speed, a projectile achieves the maximum range when launched at an angle of

A. tex2html_wrap_inline129

*B. tex2html_wrap_inline131

C. tex2html_wrap_inline133

D. tex2html_wrap_inline135

5. A plane traveling horizontally with respect to the ground at 40 m/s drops a bomb. What is the x-velocity of the bomb as it hits the ground? (neglect air friction)

A. A value greater than 40 m/s

B. A value less that 40 m/s

C. 0 m/s

*D. 40 m/s

6. A driver steps on the gas pedal as he drives around a circular turn. In what direction is his total acceleration?

A. Toward the center of the circle.

B. Directly in front of the car.

*C. In a direction between the direction of the car's motion and the direction towards the center of the circle.

D. There is no direction because the total acceleration is zero.

7. A car takes a circular turn at a constant speed and hits a patch of ice. What happens?

A. The car slides directly away from the center of the circle.

B. The car slides along the circular path.

*C. The car slides in a direction tangent to the path.

D. The car increases speed.

8. A bullet is aimed at a hanging target. As the bullet is fired, the target is released and falls. What happens? (Assume that the speed of the bullet is large enough that it can reach the target.)

*A. The bullet hits the target.

B. The bullet passes under the target.

C. The bullet passes over the target.

D. Not enough information given.

9. A merry-go-round takes 10 s to make a complete turn. If its radius is 6 m, what is the speed of a horse on the edge of the merry-go-round? What is the acceleration of the horse?(2 pts)



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Salvatore John Dibartolo
Tue Oct 1 17:42:41 EDT 1996