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Problem 24.23

24.23. a)
The maximum magnetic field is given by
$B_{max} = \frac{E_{max}}{c}$
$B_{max} = 2.33 \times 10^{-3} T$

From equation 24.21, we know that
$I = \frac{E_{max}^{2}}{2\mu_{0}c}$
$I = 6.50 \times 10^{8} W/m^{2}$

We know that
$I = \frac{P}{A}$
Solving for the power, we find that
P = I A
$P = (6.50 \times 10^{8} W/m^{2})(\pi (\frac{.001 m}{2})^{2})$
P = 510 W

Jason George Zeibel