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Problem 21.37

21.37. a)
Let i1 go from the $2 k\Omega$ resistor to the 70 V battery. Let i2 go from the 60 V battery to the $3 k\Omega$ resistor. Let i3 go from the 80 V battery to the $4 k\Omega$ resistor. Then, we have
i2 = i1 + i3
And from Kirchhoff's laws,
$70 - 60 - i_{2}(3 k\Omega) - i_{1}(2 k\Omega) = 0$
$80 - i_{3}(4 k\Omega) - 60 - i_{2}(3 k\Omega) = 0$
Solving the system of three equation and three unknowns, we find that
i1 = .385 mA through R1
i2 = 3.08 mA through R2
i3 = 2.69 mA through R3

The potential drop from c to f is given by
$V_{cf} = -60 V - (3.08 mA)(3 k\Omega) = -69.2 V$
Therefore we conclude that point c is at a higher potential than point f.

Jason George Zeibel