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PHYS 232 Quiz #2

 Cheat Sheet:
¯ tex2html_wrap_inline66  ¯ tex2html_wrap_inline68  ¯ tex2html_wrap_inline70 

C=Q/V tex2html_wrap_inline74 tex2html_wrap_inline76

tex2html_wrap_inline78 tex2html_wrap_inline80

If an equation you need is not listed here, ask.

Multiple choice: 1 pt. each

1. Which of the following is true about negative charges?

* A. They move to regions of higher electric potential.

B. They move to regions of higher electric potential energy.

C. Both a and b.

D. Neither a nor b.

2. Which is NOT true about electric potential?

A. It can be non-zero in a region where there is no charge.

* B. The potential at a point depends on the test charge at that point.

C. It increases as you approach a positive point charge.

D. It is a scalar value.

3. An electric field is constant of a region of space and points in the tex2html_wrap_inline82 direction (along the +z axis). What do the equipotential surfaces look like?

A. Lines in the tex2html_wrap_inline82 direction.

B. Cylinders centered on the z-axis.

* C. Planes parallel to the xy plane.

D. Spheres centered on the origin.

4. A conductor in equilibrium has constant potential

* A. throughout it's entire volume.

B. only on its surface.

C. only if it carries zero charge.

D. none of the above.

5. If one places a dielectric between the plates of a capacitor (not connected to a battery),

A. the charge on the plates increases

* B. the potential across the plates decreases

C. both a and b

D. neither a nor b

6. Which of the following does NOT change the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor?

A. Changing the distance between the plates

B. Changing the dielectric between the plates

C. Changing the area of the plates

* D. Changing the charge on the plates

7. Find the charge on each capacitor below.(4 pts)

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Salvatore John Dibartolo
Sat Mar 15 00:43:32 EST 1997