There are many different types of forces in nature.  In previous lectures we have studied about the gravitational force.  The strength or magnitude of this force depends on the 'amount ' or quantity of the objects between which the force exists.   Furthermore, this force is purely attractive.  Gravitational objects always attract each other.  In contrast consider the experiment performed here with a glass rod plus silk cloth and pith balls. In this experiment also:

We call this "charge".  There are two types of charges '+' and '-'.

Questions about 'Charge":

        Some Answers:

Based on experiments performed aver the last two hundred years we now know (or accept ) that all matter - including the teflon or glass rod, the silk cloth etc. are made of "atoms ".  In fact glass is made of different types of atoms - a fact we know primarily from Chemistry.  All atoms have electrons that spin around a nucleus.   These electrons are fairly far away from the nucleus such that the atom is mostly empty - while the radius of an atom is of the order of 1 angstrom that of the nucleus is 10,000 times smaller.  The electrons also have a mass - so does the nucleus.   The fact that the electrons go around the nucleus implies (from Newtons laws - although electrons are 'microscopic' objects and therefore strictly speaking Newtonian mechanics does not apply) that there is a force of attraction.  This is not due to the gravitational force but is due to a second attribute of matter - in addition to mass all matter also has 'charge'. Electrons by convention have a -ve charge and the nucleus has a +ve charge.  The atom on the whole is electrically neutral. 

Since the electrons are so far away - it is relatively easy to dislodge them from their orbits in certain materials.  Thus by the mere process of mechanical friction electrons can be transferred from silk to teflon and then onto the pith ball. When an electron leaves it's place it leaves behind an "ion".

Unit of Charge:

is called a "Coulomb".  An electron as determined from experiments has a charge of 1.6 x 10-19 C. A proton (which sits in the nucleus) has the same magnitude of charge - as far as we can tell.

Facts about Charge:

            Question: The charged pith balls stop repelling after some time.  What happens to the charge on it ?

Electrostatics is the subject of static charges and the forces between them.

Electricity is the subject that deals with charges in motion.  When charges (either +ve or -ve) move we have an electrical 'current'.  The flow of charges in many ways is analogous to the flow of water in a pipe.

Unit of current  - current is measured in 'Amperes'.

1 ampere = 1 coulomb of charge flowing per second = 1 C / 1 s

Table : Range of Current Values


Current (A)

Electron beam in a TV


Light Bulb 1
Auto Starter 100
Electrical Cable 1 cm2 area 1000
Superconducting Cable 107

Convention: Current always moves in the direction opposite to the flow of electrons.