Electricity and magnetism


Date     Chapter Section    Topic



Wed., Sept. 1 22




Electric charges

Electric current

#2  Fri., Sept. 3 27 2-3,6 Resistance and power


Mon., Sept. 6 27 5 Electronic materials and conductivity


Wed., Sept. 8 28 28 1-3 DC circuits


Fri., Sept. 10 28 4-5 DC circuits


Mon., Sept. 13 22 3-5 Electric forces
#7     Wed., Sept. 15 23 1-3 Electric field
#8   Fri., Sept. 17 23 4-5 Electric field
#9    Mon., Sept. 20 24 1-2 Electric flux and Gauss' Law
#10   Wed., Sept. 22 24 3 Applications of Gauss' Law
#11  Fri., Sept. 24 24 4-5 Applications of Gauss' Law
#12   Mon., Sept. 27 25 1-3 Electric potential
Exam I (Monday evening) - covers primarily sessions 1-8 (Chapts. 22, 23, 27, 28)


Wed., Sept. 29 25 4-7 Electric potential


Fri., Oct. 1 26 1-3 Capacitors and energy in electric fields


Mon., Oct. 4 26 4 Connected capacitors
#16    Wed., Oct. 6 26 5-6 Dielectrics
#17 Fri., Oct. 8 29 1-2 Magnetic fields
#18    Mon., Oct. 11 29 3-4 Effects of magnetic fields
#19  Wed., Oct. 13 29 5-6   Effects of magnetic fields
Fall Break


Mon., Oct. 18 30 1,3 Ampere's Law and its applications
#21 Wed., Oct. 20 30 4 Biot-Savart Law
#22 Fri., Oct. 22 30 2 Gauss' Law for magnetism
#23 Mon., Oct. 25 31


Faraday's Law
Exam II (Monday evening) - covers primarily sessions 9-19 (Chapts. 24-26, 29)


Wed., Oct. 27 31 3-4 Motional emf      


#25 Fri., Oct. 29 31 5-6 Faraday's Law and its applications


#26 Mon. Nov. 1 32 Magnetism and matter (an overview)


#27 Wed., Nov. 3 33 1-3 Inductance


#28 Fri., Nov. 5 33 4-7 Circuit oscillations (semi-quantitative)


#29 Mon., Nov. 8 34 1-2 Transformers and circuit elements


#30 Wed., Nov. 10 34 3-5 AC circuits

#31 Fri., Nov. 12 34 3-5 AC circuits        

#32 Mon., Nov. 15 14 1-3 Waves

#33 Wed., Nov. 17 14 4-5 Waves        
#34 Fri., Nov. 19 14 6-7 Sound        

#35 Mon., Nov. 22 15 1-3 Superposition of waves


Exam III (Monday evening) - covers primarily sessions 20-31 (Chap 30-34 except Chap 30 Sect 5)

Thanksgiving Break

#36 Mon., Nov. 29 15 4-6 Superposition of waves

#37 Wed., Dec. 1 30 5 Maxwell's displacement current

35 1 Maxwell's equations

#38 Fri., Dec. 3 35 2-4 Electromagnetic waves
#39 Mon., Dec. 6 35 2-4 Electromagnetic waves
#40 Wed., Dec. 8 35 6 Polarization
#41 Fri., Dec. 10 Catchup and review