Physics 241E, Fall 1996 General Physics II ________________________________________________________________________________ Problem assignments The material of the lectures of one week is the material assigned, treated in problem session, and quizzed on in the following week. Thus, for example, the material in Chapter 28 is treated in the lectures of the week beginning Mon., Oct. 21, and the problems are assigned, discussed, and collected in the problem session of the week beginning Mon., Oct. 28. In the list below, the dates represent the beginning of the week in which the problems are due, and the problems refer to chapter and problem numbers from the book Physics, by Fishbane, Gasiorowicz, and Thornton. ________________________________________________________________________________ Week Beginning Problem assignment Mon., Sept. 2 18-46, 64, 69; 19-7, 20 Mon., Sept. 9 19-33, 36, 39, 46, 51 Mon., Sept. 16 20-7, 11, 19, 26, 29, 67, 35 Mon., Sept. 23 20-48, 54, 61; 22-27, 43; 23-5, 18 Mon., Sept. 30 23-26, 43, 47, 52; 24-6, 17, 29 Mon., Oct. 7 24-32, 34, 39; 25-19, 30, 43 Mon., Oct. 14 25-50, 61; 26-10, 17, 25, 39 Mon., Oct. 21 26-55, 60, 66; 27-17, 35, 44, 59 >>>> Note changes from original list <<<< Mon., Oct. 28 28-7, 33, 38, 47, 58 Mon., Nov. 4 29-8, 25, 34, 45, 54, 57 Mon., Nov. 11 30-12, 32, 40, 45, 21, 54 Mon., Nov. 18 31-8, 17, 24, 33, 44, 45 Mon., Nov. 25 33-9, 20, 32, 37, 56, 61 Mon., Dec. 2 34-7, 18, 39, 53 As a last set of problems, which may not be treated in a problem session but which involves material that can be included on the final exam: 35-17, 31, 52. ________________________________________________________________________________