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Extra Credit Problem # 1 - Physics 241E, Section 7

Problem: A long, thin strip of copper (a = 8 mm wide) carries a current of i = 80 A as shown. What is the magnetic field tex2html_wrap_inline133 at a point P a distance R = 10 mm above its centerline?

Treat as sum of infinitely long, parallel wires each of width dx and carrying a current


Recall that the magnetic field a distance r from a long, straight wire carrying a current I is given by


As tex2html_wrap_inline141 the field in the present case can have only tex2html_wrap_inline143 and tex2html_wrap_inline145 conponents.

The tex2html_wrap_inline143 component of tex2html_wrap_inline133 at P due to the bit of current flowing at a distance x from the tex2html_wrap_inline155 - tex2html_wrap_inline145 plane is


where tex2html_wrap_inline159 and tex2html_wrap_inline161 . Thus,




Now, the integrand is an odd function of the variable of integration and the range of integration is symmetric about the origin. Hence, this integral gives 0 so only the tex2html_wrap_inline143 component of tex2html_wrap_inline133 survives:


Blaine E. Norum
Fri Nov 15 16:49:02 EST 1996