Physics 241E, Fall 1996 General Physics II ________________________________________________________________________________ Lecture Schedule >>>>>>>>>>> We are currently one lecture behind this schedule <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________ Session Date Chapt Sec Topic #1 Aug. 28, Wed. 17&18 Remarks and Review #2 Aug. 30, Fri. 19 1-3 The microscopic properties of gases #3 Sept. 2, Mon. 19 4-5 Temperature and probability distributions #4 Sept. 4, Wed. 19 6-7 Equipartition Theorem, transport phenomena #5 Sept. 6, Fri. 20 1-2 The second law of thermodynamics #6 Sept. 9, Mon. 20 3-4 The Carnot cycle #7 Sept. 11, Wed. 20 3-4 More on engines #8 Sept. 13, Fri. 20 5-6 Entropy #9 Sept. 16, Mon. 20 6-7 More on entropy and its meaning #10 Sept. 18, Wed. 22 1-5 Electric charges and forces #11 Sept. 20, Fri. 23 1-3 Electric field #12 Sept. 23, Mon. 23 4-5 Electric field #13 Sept. 25, Wed. 24 1-2 Flux and Gauss' law #14 Sept. 27, Fri. 24 3 Applications of Gauss' Law #15 Sept. 30, Mon. 24 4-5 Applications of Gauss' Law Exam I (Mon. evening) - covers primarily sessions 1-10 (Book chaps. 19, 20, 22) #16 Oct. 2, Wed. 25 1-3 Electric potenital #17 Oct. 4, Fri. 25 4-7 Electric potential #18 Oct. 9, Wed. 26 1-3 Capacitors and energy in electric fields #19 Oct. 11, Fri. 26 4 Connected capacitors #20 Oct. 14, Mon. 26 5-6 Dielectrics #21 Oct. 16, Wed. 27 1-3,6 Electric current, resistance and power #22 Oct. 18, Fri. 27 4-5 Model of conductivity #23 Oct. 21, Mon. 28 1-3 DC circuits #24 Oct. 23, Wed. 28 4-5 DC circuits #25 Oct. 25, Fri. 29 1-2 Magnetic fields #26 Oct. 28, Mon. 29 3-4 Effects of magnetic fields Exam II (Mon. evening) - covers primarily sessions 11-22 (Book chaps. 23-27) #27 Oct. 30, Wed. 29 5-6 Effects of magnetic fields #28 Nov. 1, Fri. 30 1,3 Ampere's law and its applications #29 Nov. 4, Mon. 30 4 Biot-Savart law #30 Nov. 6, Wed. >>>>> From here on note deviations from original schedule #31 Nov. 8, Fri. 30 5 Maxwell displacement current; 30 2 Gauss' law for magnetism #32 Nov. 11, Mon. 31 1-2 Faraday's law #33 Nov. 13, Wed. 31 3-4 Motional emf #34 Nov. 15, Fri. 31 5-6 Faraday's law and its applications #35 Nov. 18, Mon. 33 1-3 Inductance #36 Nov. 20, Wed. 33 4-7 Circuit oscillations (semiquantitative) 34 1 transformers #37 Nov. 22, Fri. 34 2-3 AC circuits #38 Nov. 25, Mon. 34 4-5 AC circuits Exam III (Mon. evening) - covers primarily sessions 23-34 (Book chaps. 28-32) #39 Dec. 2, Mon. 35 1-2 Electromagnetic waves #40 Dec. 4, Wed. 35 3-4 Electromagnetic waves #41 Dec. 6, Fri. 35 6 Polarization ________________________________________________________________________________