Class Policy on the Use of WebAssign

There are certain limitations in the use of WebAssign of which every student needs to be aware. This concerns you accidentally clicking on certain items, time limited assignments, etc.

1) Be very careful not to download the post-workshop quiz unless you are actually ready to take the quiz. You only get once chance (that is, one submission), and this is a timed assignment. When you click on the assignment, the clock starts ticking whether you actually look at the assignment or not. This happens to students several times a semester and they click off quickly after they realize they have made a mistake. That does not help. The clock has already started ticking, and you will receive a zero on this quiz if you do not complete it within the alloted time - no matter whether you go out of WebAssign or not. We cannot correct for this mistake on your part..

2) Be very careful with your numbers of submissions. We cannot increase them even if you make errors or have accidents. The number of available submissions will be decreased throughout the semester for the pre-workshop activity. Obviously, the post-workshop quiz only has one submission.

3) You receive a zero for the post-workshop quiz if you go over the alloted time. It is your responsibility to keep track of the time. You receive a zero if you go over the alloted time. Remember that even if you accidentally click to download the quiz, the clock has started ticking whether you meant to do it or not. Your only recourse is to take the quiz. We can do nothing about this situation.