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Third Homework

Textbook Problems: 37-19, 37-20, 37-27.

1) Consider the graphical representation of the mirror formula described in class. For each quadrant describe the curvature of the mirror (concave or convex), and the sign of the magnification, m=-i/o.

(a) Locate the portions of the curve where m >1.

(b) What type of mirror is defined by point $O \equiv(0,0)$?

Math: Consider the function:
f=Ae^{i(kx-\omega t)}\end{displaymath} (1)
from Homework 2, where A is a real number.

(a) Take k complex (k=k1 + i k2). Sketch the behavior of function f vs. x and for t=0.

(b) Is f still a solution of the original wave equation?


Simonetta Liuti