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Homework 8

Textbook Problems: 42-27, 42-28, 42-34, 43-5, 43-22.


Give a short (1/2 to 1 pages) answer to the following question:

1) How would the atomic shell structure be affected if electrons did not obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle?


Consider the n=2, l=1, $m_l= 0, \pm 1$ wave functions for hydrogen:
\psi_{210} = C_{210} \frac{r}{a_o} e^{-r/2a_o} \cos \theta\end{displaymath} (1)
\psi_{21 \pm 1} = C_{211} \frac{r}{a_o} e^{-r/2a_o} 
\sin \theta e^{\pm i \phi}\end{displaymath} (2)

a) Find the probability per unit length ($\mid \psi \mid ^2 r^2$) and determine the maximum.

b) Single out and describe the spatial (rotational) symmetries of $\mid \psi \mid ^2 r^2$ in both cases.


Simonetta Liuti