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General Physics III - Modern Physics
Classes: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:45am, Room 203, Physics Department.
Problems: Monday 4:00-4:50pm, Room 218, Physics Department.

Instructor: Simonetta Liuti, Room 312C, e-mail:; Grader: Andrew Inglis, e-mail:

Office Hours: Tuesday, 4:00-6:00 pm. and on request.

Textbook: Fishbane Gasiorowicz Thornton Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume II, Prentice-Hall, Second Edition.

Organization and Grading:

Midterms: 25%. Homework: 25%. Final: 50%.

There is a homepage for the course, reachable from the Physics Department's Homepage (under Classes), containing the relevant information as the course weekly progresses. Your comments and questions are welcome.

The homework assignments will be posted on the Webpage on Thursday and collected on the following Thursday, every week.


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Simonetta Liuti