Principles of Physics - Ph 251 -  Fall 2001 - Syllabus - J.Ruvalds

                   Office hours 9:30 am - 11:00 am Tues. & Wed. Physics room 151

                                 email                telephone 924-6796

         Class meets Monday, Wednesday, & Friday12:00 - 12:50 pm in Physics room 204

                                      Text:  P.Tipler “Physics” Volume 2  - 4th ed

Lecture date                   Text sections                     Subjects

Wed. Aug.  29       Chapter 22-1,2,3                              Coulomb force

Fri.   Aug.  31                     22-4,5,6                              Electric fields

Mon. Sep.   3                      22-7                                  Dipoles

Wed.  Sep.   5                     23-1                                  Line and plane charge distributions

Fri.    Sep.   7                      23-2                                  Gauss’s Law

Mon.  Sep.  10                    23-3,4                                Coaxial cables & HiFi

Wed. Sep.  12                     24-1,2                               Electric potential

Fri.  Sep.   14                      24-3,4                               Fields & potential gradients

Mon. Sep.  17                     24-5                                  Equipotentials & lightning

Wed. Sep.  19                     25-1                                  Electrostatic energy

Fri.  Sep.    21                     25-2,3                               Capacitors & heart defibrillators

Mon.  Sep. 24                     25-4                                  Capacitors in circuits

Wed. Sep.  26                     25-5,6                               Dielectrics: paper, plastics, & wax

Fri.  Sep.  28                       26-1,2                               Electric current and resistance

Mon. Oct.   1                      26-3                                  Batteries & fuel cells  

Wed.  Oct.  3                      26-4,5                               Resistors in series & parallel

Fri.    Oct.  5                       26-6                                  Circuits with capacitors & resistors

Mon. Oct.  8                       27-1,2                               Quantum theory of metals

Wed. Oct.  10               Midterm exam

Fri.   Oct.   12                     27-3,4                               Energy bands in semiconductors

Mon. Oct. 15               Reading Day

Wed. Oct.  17                     27-5                                  Superconductors, MRI, SQUID         

Fri. Oct.     19                     28-1                                  Force caused by magnetic fields

Mon. Oct.  22                    28-2,3                               Mass spectrometers   

Wed.  Oct.  24                    28-4                                  Quantum Hall Effect

Fri. Oct.     26                     29-1                                  Magnetic fields from moving charges  

Mon.  Oct.  29                    29-2                                  Fields from antennas - wireless data       

Wed. Oct.  31                     29-3,4                               Gauss & Ampere field methods                                 

Fri.  Nov.    2                      29-5                                  Magnetic materials: Fe, Co, steel                                  

Mon. Nov.  5                      30-1,2                               Magnetic flux  & induced EMF                                      

Wed. Nov.  7                      30-3,4                               Induced currents in coils : cellphones

Fri. Nov.    9                       30-5,6                               Transformers

Mon. Nov. 12                     30-7,8,9                            Magnetic energy in circuits

Wed. Nov. 14                     31-1,2                               Alternating power generation

Fri. Nov.   16                      31-3,4                               Oscillating current circuits

Mon. Nov. 19                     31-5,6                               Radio & microwave communications

Wed. Nov. 21 & Fri. Nov. 23                    Thanksgiving Holiday

Mon. Nov. 26                     32-1,2                               Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism

Wed. Nov. 28                     32-3                                  Infrared, microwave and optical radiation                                 

Fri.  Nov.   30                     32-4                                  Electromagnetic waves

Mon. Dec.  3                      33-1,2                               Wave particle duality and quantum physics

Wed. Dec.  5                      33-3,4                               Lasers and fiberoptics: internet

Fri. Dec.     7                      Review

Sat. Dec.15    Final exam  2:00 - 5:00 pm in Physics room 204 ( comprehensive)


                         Grades etc. --- Principles of Physics - Ph 251 - Fall 2001



                    Office hours 9:30 am - 11:00 am Tues. & Wed. Physics room 151


                            email                            telephone 924-6796


Text:  P.Tipler “Physics Volume 2” 4th ed    ---      Class 12:00 - 12:50 pm - Physics room 204


Tests : There will be one closed book midterm test and a closed book final exam given only on the dates    specified in the syllabus.


Homework: Problem sets - consisting of five problems each - will be assigned according to the schedule shown below. They are due during the week indicated, and are handed in promptly at the start of class. Late homework will receive half credit. Homework concepts can be discussed with other students, but copying solutions is not allowed. Solutions will be posted in the glass covered case in the hallway next to room 202.


Discussion Sessions: You must enroll in one of the following problem sessions:

16;00 - 17;50     Room 210  - TA    Xue Peng Sun       e-mail

14;00 - 15;50     Room 210  - TA    Xue Peng Sun


Problem solving in discussions develops skills for the course homework and exams . The ability to  analyze problems , design a systematic approach to a solution, and  derive a correct solution are key values for careers in science or technology. Teamwork experience is especially appreciated by high tech companies like Intel, Microsoft, Qualcomm and others.


Grades: The components of your grade are as follows:

          Midterm test:           30%

          Final exam:              35%

          Homework:              35%

Attendance: Student participation in lectures and problem sessions has been a highly reliable indicator of exam performance, course grades and prospects for careers . Teamwork in class discussions is encouraged and suggestions for lecture or problem session topics are welcome.


Homework Schedule:

Problem set              Chapter           Due Date - noon

# 1                            22                    Friday, September   7

# 2                            23                    Friday, September 14

# 3                            24                    Friday, September 21

# 4                            25                    Friday, September 28

# 5                            26                    Monday, October     8

                       Midterm exam and reading day

# 6                            27                    Friday, October     19

# 7                            28                    Friday, October     26

# 8                            29                    Friday, November   2

# 9                            30-1,2,3,4       Friday, November   9

# 10                          30-5,6,7,8,9    Monday, November   19


# 11                          31                    Friday, November   30

# 12                          32                    Friday, December   7