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Physics 311 - Fall 97

Problem set 4

Due Thursday, Oct. 2

Here are two questions taken from How things work. The idea is that you should be able to give a qualitative answer, as expected in Bloomfield's course, as well as a more quantitative one, based on what you have learned so far in this course.

  1. Use the concept of buoyancy to explain why air over a fire rises.

    Give a qualitative answer.

    Suppose you are burning wood at the rate of 5 kg per hour. At what rate are you producing energy (in watts) if the burning wood releases 3500 kcalories per kg?

    How much hot air goes up the chimney (in cubic meters per second) if the air is heated by 200 kelvin? In an open fireplace, most heat goes up the chimney.

  2. Many grocery stores display frozen foods in bins that are open at the top. Why doesn't the warm air enter the bins and melt the food?

    Give a qualitative answer.

    Determine the heat diffusion constant in air, D, from dimensional analysis. Argue that D can depend on the speed of air molecules, v, and on the mean free path between collisions, l, but not on the mass of the molecules, m, (except that m affects v). This is enough to find D, up to a constant which we take to be 1, but is actually more like 1/3. (If you worry D can depend also on the mean time between collisions, tex2html_wrap_inline58 , note that v = l/tau, up to a factor of order 1.)

    What is v? As you recall, the mean kinetic energy per molecule at temperature tex2html_wrap_inline60 is (3/2)k<sub>B theta. From this, find v for the N tex2html_wrap_inline62 and O tex2html_wrap_inline62 molecules. Which molecule moves faster? What is the typical value of v at room temperature (averaged over molecular species, if you wish)?

    Next, what is l? As we discussed in class, it obeys the relation tex2html_wrap_inline66 , where n is the number density of molecules and tex2html_wrap_inline68 is the collision cross-section, about equal to tex2html_wrap_inline70 , with d the diameter of a molecule. Give numbers for n and l at room temperature, assuming tex2html_wrap_inline72 m.

    You can now obtain a formula for D in terms of tex2html_wrap_inline74 and d. Check the dimensions. Compute the numerical value of D at room temperature and pressure and check with the value in Table 6.6 of the PQRG. Is it much different at the temperature of frozen food?

    Knowing D obtain a formula for the thermal conductivity of air. Check with the numerical value in the PQRG.

    Finally, compute the R value of a 10 cm layer of undisturbed cold air near the top of an open frozen food bin.

  3. Gradient, divergence, and curl. A few simple (I hope) exercises to refresh your memory.

    If tex2html_wrap_inline76 is a scalar function, show that tex2html_wrap_inline78 .

    If tex2html_wrap_inline80 is a vector function, show that tex2html_wrap_inline82 .

    Suppose that in two dimensions


    Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline84 . Express your result in polar coordinates tex2html_wrap_inline86 .

    Plot the vector field which you calculated in (c).

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Vittorio Celli
Fri Sep 26 13:37:15 EDT 1997