Gravity waves. Landau and Lifshitz, Fluids
give the complete solution as
w2 = g/k tanh(kh),
where tanh denotes the special function "tangent hyperbolic" that may be
familiar to some of you (if not, here is a graph of tanh(x) for
x between 0 and 5:
dimensional analysis we did to find the dispersion relation, neglecting
surface tension but including the effect of finite water depth h.
Order of magnitude estimates. Estimate the following to within
a factor of ten; make sure to clearly spell out your assumptions. There
aren't any wrong answers here (although some might be ridiculous). We aren't
looking for exact numbers, just quick estimates -- spend at most 10-15
minutes on each. You'll find that the PQRG is handy.
Estimate the pressure at the center of the earth (dimensional
analysis is useful).
Estimate the energy stored in the earth's magnetic field.
Estimate the annual energy consumption by automobiles in the United
States. Express your result in exajoules (EJ); 1 exajoule = 1018 J and
also, conveniently, 1 exajoule = 1 quad = 1015 Btu. Check your result
against available data.
Roasting a turkey. According to my Betty Crocker Cookbook,
an 8 lb. stuffed turkey will attain an internal temperature of 185°
F in a 350° F oven in 3.5 hours. Approximately how much time is
required to roast a stuffed 16 lb. bird? How about a goat? An ox? [Hint: use
dimensional analysis to determine how the roasting time scales with the
weight. You'll need to know something about thermal diffusion.]
The diffusion equation. Let c(x,t) be the concentration
(number of particles per unit volume) of dye molecules in a tube of water.
Assume that the concentration only varies in one direction, x.
Following the development in class for the heat equation, derive the
continuity equation for the concentration and the particle flux j(x,t)
(number of particles passing through a unit area per unit time), of the form
Next, combine this with Fick's Law of diffusion,
where D is the diffusion constant, to arrive at a diffusion equation
for c(x,t). What is the physical meaning of Fick's Law? What are the
dimensions of D?
Suppose at an initial time t = 0 you put N0 dye
molecules at the center of the tube. What is c(x,t) at subsequent
times? (You needn't repeat the derivation from class; just translate the
results when necessary).
Optional: generate an animation that shows the changing color
of the liquid as the dye diffuses. Same conditions apply as for the next
Fun with computers (you can skip one of the other problems if
you do the optional part of this or of the previous problem; I hope that
good animations can be used for the joy of future students):
Write a program (in MAPLE, or MathCad, or whatever) that will
reproduce, more or less, the animation of diffusion found on the web notes,
or at least several frames of it. Bring the program on disk for real-time
testing (or generate the animation on your web page if you have one).
Optional: Generate an animation of two-dimensional diffusion.
The relevant expression is t(x,t)
where the functional form of t
is given by eq. (1.38) of the notes.