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Phys 312 - Assignment 2 - Due 4 Feb 99


A parallel plate capacitor has a small hemispherical boss of radius a on one of its plates. To be definite, you can assume that A is the area of each plate, d the separation between them, with tex2html_wrap_inline29 ; take the plates to be perpendicular to the z axis and put the boss at the center of the lower plate. However, the results you will obtain hold more generally, as long as a is much smaller than the distance of the boss from the closest edge. The problem is to find the electric field.
You can imagine that the lower plate is a flat plain, the upper plate is the bottom of a large cloud, and the hemispherical boss represents a hill in the middle of the plain, or maybe a tree in the middle of a field. The problem then tells you something about the chances of being struck by lightning in hilly country, or why isolated trees are at risk of being struck.

(a) If tex2html_wrap_inline31 is the charge density on the lower plate far away from the boss, what is the electric field far away from the boss, tex2html_wrap_inline33 ? You can (approximately) relate tex2html_wrap_inline31 to the area, A, and to the total charge on the plate, Q, but it is not necessary to do so.

(b) Find the field and the charge density everywhere on the lower plate. Hints for doing this will be given in class.

(c) Where on the lower plate does the maximum electric field occur, and how much larger than tex2html_wrap_inline33 is it?

(d) Where on the lower plate does the minimum electric field occur, and how much smaller than tex2html_wrap_inline33 is it?

(e) Using a computer program, draw a set of equipotentials, starting from the lower plate. The graph should illustrate how the equipotentials become smooth for tex2html_wrap_inline39 .


Sparks and discharges (as seen in "Jacob's ladder") emit bluish light. What are the frequency and wavelength of this light? What is the energy of an emitted photon, in eV? You can give a range of values or a typical value.


A steel wire of radius a hangs at the center of a steel pipe of radius b. If the wire is at potential V and the pipe is grounded, what is the field at the surface of the wire? I am asking for an exact answer in the idealized case of wire and pipe of infinite length. Assuming that the radius of the pipe is 5 cm, what practically feasible a and V will give a good corona discharge? You can just give typical values.

Vittorio Celli
Thu Jan 21 13:31:10 EST 1999