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Phys 312 - Assignment 4 - Due 18 Feb 99


Given the complex number z = 1-i/2, find z2, z3, z4, z5 and draw them as "vectors" in the complex plane.
Find 1/z, 1/z2, 1/z3, 1/z4, 1/z5 and draw them as "vectors" in the complex plane.
Given the complex number z = exp(i/5), find its first twelve powers and draw them as "vectors" in the complex plane.
Do the same for z = exp(-i/5).
Find the real and imaginary parts of the complex ratio (7+3i)/(5-4i). Find its magnitude (absolute value) and phase angle. Draw numerator, denominator, and ratio as "vectors" in the complex plane.


Two coupled oscillators (pendulums in the class demo) obey the equations

\begin{displaymath}m\,\frac{d^{2}x_{1}}{dt^{2}} = 
-m\omega _{0}^{2}x_{1}+K(x_{2}-x_{1})

\begin{displaymath}m\,\frac{d^{2}x_{2}}{dt^{2}} =
-m\omega _{0}^{2}x_{2}+K(x_{1}-x_{2})

Verify that these equations have the solution (normal mode)

\begin{displaymath}x_{1}=\cos (\omega _{s}t)\quad \quad \quad x_{2}=
\cos (\omega _{s}t)

for the appropriate value of $\omega _{s}$, and find $\omega _{s}$. Describe in words the motion corresponding to this solution.

Similarly, verify that the equations have the solution

\cos (\omega _{a}t)\quad \quad \quad x_{2}=-\cos (\omega _{a}t)

for the appropriate value of $\omega _{a}$, and find $\omega _{a}$. Describe in words the motion corresponding to this solution.

The most general solution is described by a linear combination of the eigenstates we have found:

\begin{displaymath}x_{1} =a\cos (\omega _{s}t)+b\cos (\omega _{a}t) 

\begin{displaymath}x_{2} =a\cos (\omega _{s}t)-b\cos (\omega _{a}t)

In particular, consider the solution with a = b. Show that this describes the situation where, initially, pendulum 1 is held at distance 2a from the vertical, and released with zero speed; what are the initial position and speed of pendulum 2? Plot and describe in words the resulting motion of each pendulum when $K/m\omega _{0}^{2}=0.1$ (weak coupling) and $K/m\omega_{0}^{2}=1$ (strong coupling).

For full credit, you must give accurate plots, by MAPLE or otherwise, and they must extend over several oscillations of each pendulum.


The coupled pendulums of problem 2 behave in a way similar to two coupled quantum states. The wavefunction of two coupled quantum states is

\begin{displaymath}\psi =c_{1}(t)\phi _{1}+c_{2}(t)\phi _{2}

and the time evolution is given by

\begin{displaymath}i\hbar \frac{d}{dt}c_{1} =E_{1}c_{1}+Vc_{2} \\ 

\begin{displaymath}i\hbar \frac{d}{dt}c_{2} =E_{2}c_{2}+Vc_{1}

Consider only the "degenerate" case when E1=E2 (identical atoms, for instance), analogously to the identical pendulums of problem 2. Use E0 to denote the common value of E1 and E2.

Verify that these equations have the solution (eigenstate)

\begin{displaymath}c_{1}=\exp (-i\omega _{s}t)\quad \quad \quad c_{2}=\exp (-i\omega _{s}t)

for the appropriate value of $\omega _{s}$, and find $\omega _{s}$. As a function of time, what is the probability that the quantum system is in the state $\phi _{1}$? In the state $\phi _{2}$?

Similarly, verify that the equations have the solution

\exp (-i\omega _{a}t)\quad \quad \quad c_{2}=-\exp (-i\omega _{a}t)

for the appropriate value of $\omega _{a}$, and find $\omega _{a}$. As a function of time, what is the probability that the quantum system is in the state $\phi _{1}$? In the state $\phi _{2}$?

The most general solution is described by a linear combination of the eigenstates we have found:

\begin{displaymath}c_{1} &=&a\exp (-i\omega _{s}t)+b\exp (-i\omega _{a}t) \\ 

\begin{displaymath}c_{2} &=&a\exp (-i\omega _{s}t)-b\exp (-i\omega _{a}t)

In particular, consider the solution with a = b. Show that this describes the situation where, initially, the system is in the state $\phi _{1}.$ Plot (accurately) and describe in words $\left\vert c_{1}\right\vert^{2}$ and $\left\vert c_{2}\right\vert ^{2}$, as they vary with time when V/E0 = 0.1 (weak coupling) and V/E0 = 1 (strong coupling).

Vittorio Celli
Thu Jan 21 13:31:10 EST 1999