Textbooks for PHYS 312

You should own an introductory physics book (presumably the one on which you studied) and those of you who took Phys 311 should hold on to their copy of The Physics Quick Reference Guide, by E.R. Cohen (New York: AIP, 1996). For the others, the purchase of this manual is optional.
I recommend that you purchase How Things Work, by L.A. Bloomfield (New York: Wiley, 1997), because I will often assign readings from it. Although it is meant for a lower level course, this book is a gold mine of information.
I also recommend that you purchase Principles of Modern Technology, A.C. Melissinos (Cambridge University Press, 1990). Several topics will be taken directly from this compact book.
A large number of books have been placed on reserve in the Physics Library: please use them!. I will keep a class diary of topics and assignments, and distribute some lecture notes.
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V. Celli
Thu Jan 21 15:21:23 EDT 1999