Each group will write a paper, which should be about 15 pages in length (typed, 10-12 point font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins): this includes tables and figures, with a figure counting as 1/4 page at most and a table counting as text with the same number of lines, roughly. The precise format will depend upon the topic which your group selects. Some of the topics will necessarily be mostly library research, in which case your project will have the format of a report. Other topics might lend themselves to some simple experimentation, which could be summarized in the paper. For yet other topics it might be useful to include an interview with a faculty member doing research on the topic (not necessarily in the physics department). In all cases the focus of the paper should be on the physics behind the topic; however, ancillary material on technology or economic issues might also be important and should be included.
In addition to the paper, each group will make a presentation (to be given by one member of the group, or possibly two), during one of the regular class periods, on dates to be assigned. Each presentation should last 30 minutes, with appropriate view graphs, slides, computer graphics, or other visual aids; there will be an additional 5 minutes for questions and comments. In some cases you might want to develop some demonstrations to illustrate your points. Please give me a copy of any material used in the presentation and be prepared to discuss it further in one of the problem sessions.