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- Friday, March 20: outlines and bibliographies due.
Your group should meet before this time and decide on a topic, in
consultation with me (in class, during office hours, or by e-mail). A group
representative will be responsible for giving me a reasonably detailed, typed outline of the paper (1 - 2 pages), along with a bibliography. I'll
look these over, make possile suggestions for changes, and return them to
you during problem sessions the following week.
- April 21 - 28: presentations.
A group member (or possibly
two) will give the presentation during a regular class. The
presentation should be planned to last 30 minutes, plus 5 minutes
for questions, so that two presentations can be given in one class period.
Give me a copy of any material used in the presentation and a near-final draft of the paper, and be prepared
to discuss it further in a problem session.
- Friday, May 1: papers due in final form.
A group member (or possibly two)
will be responsible for editing and submitting the paper.
V. Celli
Thu Sep 1 17:17:05 EST 1997