Physics 311 Course Syllabus: Fall 1996
- Dimensions, dimensional analysis, and scaling (3 lectures).
- Dimensions of physical quantities. The SI system of units.
- Dimensionless quantities, dimensional analysis and scaling.
- Examples: Period of a pendulum, stellar oscillations, gravity waves,
nuclear explosions, diffusion.
- Modeling, scaling, and order of magnitude estimates.
- Fluid mechanics and aerodynamics (9 lectures).
- Properties of fluids. Phases of matter.
- How is a fluid different from a solid?
- Laminar vs. turbulent flow.
- Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Bernoulli's Law.
Ideal flow.
- Viscosity, the Navier-Stokes equation, boundary
layers, the Reynolds number.
- Poiseuille flow.
- Lift and drag.
- Drag on blunt bodies. Boundary layer separation. Skin friction.
- Lift. Circulation, the Magnus effect, vortices.
- Applications to the aerodynamics of golf balls and baseballs.
- Aerodynamics.
- Airfoils. Lift and drag. The Kutta-Joukowsky condition.
- Airplanes, helicopters, propellers. Modeling and scaling.
- Rockets.
- Environmental physics (7 lectures).
- Energy balances in the atmosphere.
- Conduction and convection.
- Fluid flow in the atmosphere and oceans. The Coriolis force. Winds and currents.
- Production of meteorological phenomena: storms, hurricanes, tornadoes.
- Optical phenomena on the atmosphere: rainbows, halos, glories.
- Global warming and the greenhouse effect.
- Uncertainties in forecasting. An introduction to chaotic dynamics.
- Mechanical properties of solids (8 lectures).
- Introduction to elasticity theory: stress and strain.
- Tensile and compressive stresses vs. shear stresses. Elastic moduli.
- Bending of beams (bridges, trees, bones).
- Waves in solids.
- Plastic deformations and dislocations. Strength of materials. Work hardening.
- Applications to geophysics: soil, rocks, structure of the earth, earthquakes, s and p waves.
- Applications to materials engineering. Steel, biological materials.
Vittorio Celli
Thu Jan 30 17:44:56 EDT 1997