PHYS 315 / 519

Sept. 20 & 22, 2004

Week 3    (Lab 4)

Reading for 9/27:

Horowitz, Sec.'s 2.14 through 2.19     (Transistors II.)
Hayes and Horowitz, p. 100-117 and 124-133.     [Note: The "Worked Examples" are important cases.]

Problems due 9/29:

Exercise 2.10 (p. 87);
Exercise 2.11 (p. 88) {A parallel LC circuit replaces the collector resistor, or rather shunts the 6.2 Kohm collector resistor.  Note that the values of "Q" and the 6.2 Kohm resistor are not needed explicitly in the design calculations, unless you want to calculate the gain of your amplifier.  State what limits the range of reasonable values for the emitter resistor}.

Lab Exercises:     (Hayes and Horowitz,  Lab 4,  p.94-  )

4.1     Transistor junctions

4.2     Emitter follower

4.3     Emitter follower Zin and Zout

4.4     Single-supply follower

4.5     Transistor current gain

4.6     Current source

4.7     Common-emitter amplifier

[Next week:  Labs 5 (part) and 6 --- Transistors II]