PHYS 315 / 519

Week 4 (Lab 5)

Sept. 27 & 29, 2004

Reading for Oct. 4:

Horowitz, Chap. 3 (FET's), especially Sect.'s 3.01-3.04, "Basic FET Circuits" (p.124), 3.06-3.08, 3.10, 3.11, 3.15.
Hayes and Horowitz, p. 142-155.

Problems due Oct. 6:

Additional Exercises  4 and 5   (p.110).

Lab Exercises for Sept. 27 & 29: (Hayes and Horowitz, Lab 5, p. 118 - 123 )

5.2  Grounded emitter amplifier

5.3  Current mirror ( part A.1 is optional.)

5.4  Ebers-Moll Eq.

5.6  Push-pull

       5.6A  Add diodes as in Fig. 2.57 (p.92) of Horowitz and study their effect.

*  6.4  Darlington   (p. 138)

         (*  if you have time)

Next week: We will do:
6.1 Differential amplifier
6.2 Bootstrap
6.4  Darlington      <-- start this one if you have time 9/29