PHYS  315/519

Oct. 13 & 18 & 20, 2004

Week 6    (Lab 7 -- FET's;    Lab 8 -- Op. Amps. I)

---1st hour exam is October 20 in the first part of the lab session.

Reading for Oct 25:

Horowitz & Hill, 4.11-4.12, 4.15-4.24 {especially 4.11, 12, 19, 20, 23, 24}
Hayes and Horowitz, pp. 184-199.

Problems due Oct 27:

        Exercises  4.5 (p.185), 4.6 (p.210);
        "Additional Exercises" 1 and 2 (p.251).

Lab Exercises for Oct. 13, 18 & 20:                     (Hayes... p177- )

         Finish:    7.2 (a only)      FET current source
                       7.3 (a and b)    Source follower

       7.4 (a)    FET as a variable resistor

    Op. amp's:

8.1    Open loop test
8.2    Inverting amplifier
8.3    Non-inverting amplifier
8.4    Follower
8.5    Current source (omit VP0106)
8.6 (omit c) Current-to-voltage converter  (Photodiode)
8.7    Summing amplifier
8.8    Push-pull buffer
   Start on next week:    9.1   Op-amp limitations

[Next week:  Lab 9  -- more Op.Amps.]