PHYS 315 / 519
Oct 25 & 27, 2004
Week 7   (Lab9 --  Op. Amps. II)

Reading for Nov 1:
Horowitz&Hill, Sec. 5.12-5.14 (pp. 284-291).  [Oscillators]
Hayes and Horowitz: pp. 207-212, 214-215 (555 timer), 222-231.
Additional reference: "Op Amp Cookbook", pp.171-3,181-2 (In Room 219).
Try exercise 5.9 (p. 290), but don't turn in.
Horowitz&Hill, Sec. 8.01-8.12 (pp. 471-492) and also 9.01-9.02. [Digital]
Hayes and Horowitz: pp. 283-308.
Problems due Nov. 3:
4.10 (p.232).
Convert and add 5710 to 15310 in hexadecimal and binary.
Exer. 8.3 (p.477), 8.4, 8.5, 8.7 (p.482), 8.8, 8.9.

Lab Exercises   (Oct 25, 27):
    If necessary, finish:
        8.7    Summing amplifier
        8.8    Push-pull buffer

9.1   Op-amp limitations
9.2   Integrator
9.4   Microphone amplifier
9.3   Differentiator
9.5   Active rectifier
9.6   Active rectifier

Preview:  Week of Nov. 1:

10.1   Comparator (p. 234)
10.3   7555 Oscillator (Sq. wave). Omit "Alternative..."
10.4   7555 Oscillator (Sawtooth)
10.6   Wein bridge oscillator

Note:  We will skip part of Lab 10 (Oscillators) as well as Labs 11 (FET switches) and 12 (Voltage regulators), not because they are not important, but because we don't have time to do everything. You should be able to pick these things up on your own when you need them.