PHYS 315 / 519

 Nov. 1 & 3, 2004

Week 8

Reading for Nov. 8:

Horowitz, Sec. 8.13 through 8.19 (concentrate on 8.16-8.18); and 8.24-8.26 .
Hayes and Horowitz: p. 320-333; 342-350.
Problems due Nov. 8: Work out circuits for Lab Exercises A and B, below.

Problems due Nov. 10:

Exercises 8.21["...using mostly XOR gates..." ] (p.499);  8.24 (p.514).
Additional Exer. 1 (p.556)

Lab Exercises:

        10.1  Comparators           (pp.  234-  )
        10.3  7555 Oscillator  [omit "An Alternative..."}
        10.4  7555 Sawtooth Oscillator
        10.6  Wien  Bridge Oscillator

        13.1  TTL and CMOS gates        (pp. 309-317)
        13.2  Logic functions

If you have time, do 13.3 and 13.4

Next week:

        13.3  Fabricating a TTL gate
        13.4  Fabricating a CMOS gate
        13.5  Fabricating a CMOS NAND

        A.   Using one 74xx00 and one 74xx02, design, construct, and test a circuit which implements the function Q = (A+B)*(A+C)
                 (Note: Here A means "not A", etc.;    "xx" indicates "LS", "HC", or nothing)

        B.   Use one 74xx00 to make a device which determines if a 3-bit input number is 0,1,2,4,or 6 (Q=1), or 3,5,or 7 (Q=0). 

Plus part of  Lab 14:  Flip-Flop's etc. (Sequential logic).