PHYS 315 / 519

Week 11

November 29 / December 1, 2004

Read for Dec.6:

Horowitz:  Sec. 9.02;  9.04-07 (driving digital inputs);  9.15-21 (DAC/ADC);  9.27-28 (PLL).
Hayes and Horowitz:  pp. 406-415 (ADC).
Problems due Monday, Dec 6:
Exercises  9.2 (p.614),  9.3.
Add. Exer. 2 (p.668).

Lab Exercises:

    Note: Add today's circuits to your 'private breadboard', as you will need them for several lab periods.

                              [Keypad circuit: See Hayes and Horowitz, p. 372-4.]

16.1         Data buffer and RAM

1. The address bus is the counter output = display input. Use the 13 lowest bits (A0-A12) to address the memory.
2. The data bus is new. Use only two, not four, addditional displays here. See the circuit diagram on p. 444 of Hayes & Horowitz for how this fits together. (We will not get to the part inside the heavy line - CPU, etc.)

17.1        DAC. Use the data bus for digital input, and check operation using the keypad and a voltmeter.
                           Record enough data to check the linearity of the conversion.

(A)*       Sinewave generator.

Program an offset sinewave (in effect, sin2 ) into the memory, from the keypad. Use about 16 points per cycle; then, if it works, maybe try a larger number(like 32+/-1)  to get a better waveform.   Make it generate a continuous sine2wave output (This may require some minor changes in the gating circuitry).
* Additional instructions on a handout in lab.
17.2       ADC        
Note that 17.2 is independent of the "memory" circuitry assembled in Lab 16.   However, in "Exercise B" we will want to put the digital output of the ADC into memory.