PHYS 315 / 519

Week 12

December 6 & 8, 2004

Reading       Horowitz&Hill:               Review sections on ADC
                     Hayes and Horowitz:                     ditto

Problems:            None

Lab Exercises:

17.2:     Finish;  Consider  17-2.4 optional

17.3:     Add a storage register for the digital output. See handout: The HCT547 will replace the HC541 driving the data bus.

Exercise B: "Storage Scope"      

This combines the ADC with the memory circuit to record a waveform in memory and then read it out (repeatedly) to the scope; i.e., make a rudimentary "storage scope".

Details will be given in the handout.

Second "Hour" EXAM: Wednesday, December 8, 2:00 pm, Room 219.

This exam will cover digital electronics and analog-digital interfacing primarily, but there some analog material as well, including op. amp. circuits.