Physics at the University of Virginia

Quantum Physics I
PHYS 355, Fall 2005

 Syllabus: .ps  .pdf            Homework          Lecture Notes    Lecture Slides    Announcements

PHYS 355 is the first  part of a two semester introduction to quantum  physics for physics majors.

Instructor:      Nilanga Liyanage (Office Hours WF 1.30 PM- 2.30 PM; Rm: 053)
                  ;  4-6596

Text Book:       INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS by David J. Griffiths, Second Edition
                            ISBN:  0-13-111892-7         

Important, Please Note:  Most of the course material will be posted on the web in postscript (.ps) format.
                                                 A viewer for .ps files for windows and MacOS computers can be downloaded from